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Italy’s next prime minister, Mario Draghi, unveils his cabinet

He will have to move fast to overcome Italy’s deep-seated problems


Paul Crutzen’s idea of the Anthropocene may resonate for centuries

The atmospheric chemist and meteorologist died on January 28th, aged 87

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Week in charts: ...and all that jabs

The spectre of inflation • Buoyant business • America abroad • The future of travel

Readers’ favourites


When covid-19 vaccines meet the new variants of the virus

A lot depends on blocking transmission not just disease


Bangladesh’s government lavishes money on the army

But in buying soldiers’ loyalty, it has also put them at the heart of power

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There will be enough vaccines for all—if rich countries share

Half of the world’s supply has been reserved for just 15% of its population


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Covid-19 and developing countries

Special report: The future of travel

What will travel look like after the pandemic?

Covid-19 has brought international travel to a standstill. But it will recover and may even become a better experience, says Simon Wright

Could covid-19 shake up air travel for the better?

Governments’ re-entry into airlines may spur more competition

How today’s reviled airlines could become greener

The pandemic has drawn attention to the environmental damage caused by air travel

Business travel may never fully recover from covid-19

Business class was late to the game. It might be early to leave too

The pandemic has hurt corporate jets less than commercial ones

The wealthy are not bound by airline schedules

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