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Feature Articles

The Nashville Bombing, More Than Meets the Eye

The most terrifying event of the post-election meltdown in American civility is not the riot at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, but the Christmas morning bombing in Nashville, Tennessee. The ability of a single disgruntled individual to build a mobile bomb of such explosive power without tipping his hand or blowing it [...]

On The Green New Deal, Nationalization, & Class Politics

Humanity has precious time to drastically and uniformly act to reduce carbon emissions and eliminate carbon-intensive economic activity before ecological collapse materializes. However, the struggle presented is not that simple. The challenge also requires providing economic relief for workers and recognizing contradictions in the prevailing economic model that created the climate crisis when undertaking a [...]

Doughnut Economics Boots Capitalism Out

The rapid rise of Covid-19 has spawned a renaissance in socio-economic thinking about the best way to face the future, as mayors of cities throughout the world search for answers in the face of declining revenues while society demands more urgent help. Eureka! Amsterdam, the Venice of the North, discovers doughnut economics. With a click [...]

Trump’s Empire

Reflections on the Changing Nature of U.S. Militarism

As the Trump administration recedes into memory and Joe Biden takes the reins of the warfare state, it’s important to reflect on the changing nature of American militarism over the last decade. Trump received a lot of attention for his proclamation that “we are ending the era of endless wars.” But this was more rhetoric [...]

Culture & Reviews

The Marxist Pioneer

Jules Guesde: The Birth of Socialism and Marxism in France Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2020. 213 pp., $74.99 When the French left looks at its founders, the socialist Jean Jaurès is often fondly remembered as a great orator, historian, and a champion of peace who was murdered for that belief in 1914. By contrast, his Marxist [...]

Iran on Four Wheels

Nostalgia is both temporal and geographical; like young Iranians’ sentimental contemplations of their parents’ era, mobility and migrations generate reevaluation from afar. Edward Said describes the formulation of his Palestinian identity at a New England boarding school: “The fact that I was never at home or at least at Mount Hermon, out of place in [...]

JFK and Mary Meyer

“JFK and Mary Meyer: A Love Story” is a most unusual thing: a novel with footnotes. In the 1960s, the New Journalists adopted the techniques of novelists to spice up their reporting. Author Jesse Kornbluth offers a 21st-century variation. He imports the apparatus of academia to give ballast to the true tale of a torrid [...]

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