Ending the Other War in Yemen

On February 4, in his first major foreign policy address, President Joe Biden announced, “we are ending all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.” Speaking of the Saudi-led coalition that has been at war in Yemen since 2015, creating what he called “a humanitarian and strategic catastrophe,” Biden declared “This war has to end.” More

Roaming Charges: Scene of the Crimes

The US Senate is one of the few juries in America where the presumption of innocence is actually institutionalized, to the point where many of the jurors have publicly announced their intention to acquit before the trial even began. Contrast with this with death penalty cases, where citizens who have a moral or religious objection to the death penalty can be automatically evicted from the jury pool. If all trials where conducted according to senate rules, we’d be much closer to decarcerating America. More

Trump: How is He Possible?

How can someone of Trump’s caliber have become president? And now that he no longer is president, how is it possible that he is still able to have his will be done in the Republican Party? How is he able, out of office and with his Twitter account blocked, to make everything even worse than it already is – for example, by making a certifiable nut case, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a rising star in what remains of the Party of Lincoln? More
