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Synonyms for idleness

Synonyms for idleness

Synonyms for idleness

having no employment

the quality of lacking substance or value

the trait of being idle out of a reluctance to work


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References in periodicals archive ?
The Governor said the effect of folding our hands to issues of idleness among youths and women far outweigh the minimal effort to support them to change society.
I and many others say a vote for Labour is a vote for idleness and poverty, so it is hardly surprising that Mr Clark wants everyone to fund his public service pension.
The issued a statement following their meeting in which they criticized the government's idleness before such horrid events.
The picture was staged by beef and sheep farmer Arwyn Roberts, who said the Welsh x Charollais ewe had been a victim of her own idleness.
"One of the reasons I haven't done anything in the past 10 years, apart from sheer idleness, is I haven't really had a great idea" - Lyricist Tim Rice (pictured).
However, he said that idleness and indifference attitude during work would be intolerable.
Low wages are a far greater curse than idleness - and this Tory regime will this year bring down the living standards of working Britons by reducing tax credits while gifting enormous tax cuts to the very richest.
First, the excellent articles of David Warren on his new website,, where his Essays in Idleness can be enjoyed.
EoACA[pounds sterling]The Republic of Congo could follow the example of the efforts made by Brazil in the fight against unemployment, poverty and idleness among young people to solve the problem of the countryEoACAOs youth," the Brazilian diplomat said at the end of talks with the Congolese minister of Youth and Civic Education, Anatole Collinet Makosso.
November 19, 2012 (BOR) - The Governor of Jonglei State, Kuol Manyang, threatened Monday to legislate against idleness in his state, after being told by women's groups that many men are not doing their fair share to food production.
It is not an addiction to idleness stopping people joining the workforce but a lack of genuine opportunity.
It justifies their bone idleness because they can't ever imagine applying themselves to do anything in their lives," The Daily Mirror quoted Armstrong, as saying.
Siddiqui said that the scholarships were lost due to indifference, idleness, ignorance and carelessness of the department of education Sindh.
THE letter by Kevin Lynch, 'Rejected JLR plans a sign of idleness?'(Letters, May 15) cannot go unchallenged.