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Synonyms for honky-tonk

a disreputable or run-down bar or restaurant


Synonyms for honky-tonk

a cheap drinking and dancing establishment

References in periodicals archive ?
Moore clocks an average of 45,000 miles a year touring America's honky-tonks, dance halls, festivals and joints such as The Axe & Fiddle Public House.
A 13-minute film of the band's last visit to the US, Ashtrays & Tables, by Liverpool photographer Mark McNulty, is on display at The Bluecoat as part of its current Honky-Tonk exhibition.
For instance, the early 1960s featured the heavily orchestrated recordings of Patsy Cline and Jim Reeves, whose acceptance on the pop charts was unprecedented; only a decade later, the mainstream country industry was once again embracing the overtly minimalist honky-tonk sounds of the Outlaw artists such as Willie Nelson.
A Nashville city panel battled over the neighborhood that was described as the "heart and soul" of Nashville and said a hotel and tower could ruin the area's honky-tonk charm.
Jean Nouvel's phallic tower in Barcelona, Torre Agbar, clad in frosted glass and corrugated aluminium shaded from dark red to light blue, vibrantly lit at night, is pure fiesta and blended curiously with a honky-tonk local street carnival at its base.
His early documentary work is featured in "Honky-Tonk: Country Music Photographs by Henry Horenstein, 1972-1981." About 80 black-and-white stills and a dozen artifacts hint at what the country music scene was like at the end of an era--a time when the old-timers were still alive, today's greats were up-and coming, and fans could walk right up to musicians to get an autograph and a handshake.
Needless to say, Johnny Cash's prison songs, love ballads, and honky-tonk humor were no more a part of Shriver's youthful album collection than were Porter or Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Those Honky-Tonk Insurance Company Blues I got those Honky-Tonk Insurance Company Blues.
Also tinged with country, bluegrass, and a little honky-tonk, they've got an early Blood in the Saddle (ex-Dils guys) sound.
A new hope and intimacy in Harcourt's writing is clearly visible in Those Crimson Tears but the jewel in his crown is This One's For You, a sublime, honky-tonk lament to new love.
"I ended up getting a tape called Honky-Tonk Classics.
Karin Bergquist and Linford Detweiler, aka Over the Rhine and the two magicians behind the soulful music of the new double-disc Ohio, continue to experiment with genres, ranging from the sensual "Lifelong Fling" to the honky-tonk number "Show Me." "Long Lost Brother" effuses true humanity: "Thought that we'd be further along by now ...
It is sixty-four-note polyphonic and features sixteen tones including grand piano 1/2, bright piano and honky-tonk piano, among other features.
A cozy, authentic honky-tonk bar with local bands on the jukebox.
Helped along by Teenage Fanclub drummer Francis McDonald, Burch mixed honky-tonk with heartfelt balladry.