she/they, 30, anti-TERF/SWERF, ace, perpetually exhausted pigeon, aspiring artist, writes sometimes, salty little Slytherin, has way too many OCs


harry: how would you fight the dragon?

hermione: argue with it about the exact nomenclature of dragons, drakes, and wyverns until it gets bored and flies away


Undercover pupper





(credit: facetiousbitch on tik tok)



People out here using their talents for pure evil



Tips for boys on their period

  1. Don’t put a pad on boxers! It doesn’t work and makes a mess
  2. To feel more masculine wear boxers over your //pad holding underwear//
  3. Don’t beat yourself up, you are totally rad and cool, you’re body is doing something, but that’s okay, it’s not your fault and it doesn’t make you less valid!
  4. If your cheast starts to hurt, don’t bind, some guys get tender breast tissue when it’s that time of the month, listen to your body, don’t push yourself!
  5. Treat yourself to some chocolate!
  6. Tea!!! It’s so good!!!! And green tea can help with cramps!
  7. Advil! I use it when my cramps get bad, sometimes I get headaches and it helps with that too! Don’t take more than six though!
  8. Go under warm blankets with nothing but your underwear on, preferably soft blankets, it makes me feel like I’m in a soft cacoon
  9. Oversized sweatshirts! Always good! Especially for dysphoria!
  10. Wear comfy cloths, always good to feel good
  11. Eat warm soup, feels nice in the tum tum
  12. Don’t eat super greasy foods, it can make your skin break you even more! And there are already so many hormones making your skin do crazy thing you don’t want it to get worse! Also it can make cramps worse
  13. Most of all listen to your body, don’t push yourself, and try to forgive it, it’s confused and doesn’t know that it shouldn’t be doing what it’s doing

For my trans guy followers!!!


I think what annoys me most about anti-trans arguments how much they are just the same anti-gay arguments I heard for the 15 years leading in to all of this just recycled. Like it’s just the same shit, they couldn’t even be original.

  • It’s a fad poisoning our pure children
  • They’re forcing/converting people to be like them them
  • They’re dangerous to the children / what will I tell my children? / They’re all pedos
  • It’s stealing perfectly good men/women from us
  • If they can be like this I can marry a dog -> be an attack helicopter
  • The Gay Agenda -> The Trans/Gender Ideology
  • They’re trampling on our right! What rights you ask? Screw you they just are!
  • The homophobic politicians from the past couple decades who are now “okay” with the lgb part of community now suddenly very concerned about Gender Ideology (*cough*Tulsi Gabbard*cough*)

The face that there are gay people participating in this just makes my blood boil like how so y'all not see it?


dishonored | dunwall city scenery [¼]