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Quelle: adolin-is-best-boy

The Terror: Infamy - 2x10 - “Did something happen tonight? In the war?”


the dawning realization of this gif set is so chilling


Another thing they did was in the ending credits, they put the cast and crew alongside pics of their ancestors during the war, some who served, some who were interred in American camps, some who were both. So for example, the lead actor, Derek Mio:


Marcus Toji, who played an interpreter in the show:


The director, Lily Mariye:


There were others too, but the actors in the scene giffed above? George Takei and Sab Shimono? They were in camps themselves.


When I read Hiroshima I felt like I knew where this was going, but the last gif still made my heart stop for just a moment 

Quelle: booasaur