Posts Tagged ‘US’

Mosul – did the US deliberately bomb civilians?

by Mike Phipps.

“Mosul and Kirkuk bombed by US,” reported the Daily Mail on 24 March. The United States has been targeting Mosul and Kirkuk in recent days as Washington slowly moves troops into the region to open a new front in its ground war on Iraq, which has been waged mainly from the south via Kuwait.” So […]

The growth of movements for real change have been a long time coming

by Steve Turner.

Last week Tony Blair professed bafflement at the rise – on both sides of the Atlantic – of popular movements by people who in Blair’s view choose to “rattle the cage”. I think this is a mischaracterisation. Those who have been energised into supporting Sanders, Corbyn and movements such as Podemos and Syriza want to […]

Donald Trump’s “liberal” support

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

There is little Donald Trump can say to shock any more. Friday night’s implication that his underwear packs something beastly is a case in point. I must admit, it raised a chuckle here. As the Republican party takes a dark turn that won’t end well for millions of Americans, not least those supporting Trump, sometimes laughter […]

Healthcare US style… or how neoliberalism really works

by Richard Falk.

Richard Falk is retired and lives in Santa Barbara, Califormnia Along with several million, I suffer from the eye disease known as glaucoma. It can be managed, rather than cured, by taking eye drops several times a day. Based on the advice of my doctor, I rely on Azopt and Lumigen, two drugs produced by […]

Iraq – the killing continues

by Mike Phipps.

Mike Phipps finds no grounds for optimism in recent developments 2016 began badly for human rights in Iraq. Here are some headlines from the first few weeks of the year, focusing on the crimes of ISIS. ISIS executes 80 people by firing squad in central Nineveh – Iraqi News (9 January). ISIS executes 12 people […]

TTIP and the rule of law: a response to Jude Kirton-Darling MEP

by Keith Ewing and John Hendy.

Thanks to Jude Kirton-Darling MEP for replying to our previous article. No-one could suggest she was capable of doing anything ‘shabby’. We are grateful that it is she, not us, who has to deal with the complex procedures of the European Parliament which she describes. We make several points of substance by way of response. […]

How Labour & Social Democrat MEPs are fighting for the millions who oppose ISDS

by Jude Kirton-Darling.

Jude Kirton-Darling, Labour MEP for the North East of England and European Labour Party spokesperson on TTIP writes in response to Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC In an article published last Friday by the Morning Star and Institute of Employment Rights, Professor Keith Ewing and John Hendy QC accused Labour and Social Democrat MEPs […]

Global economic crisis: has Labour dodged a bullet?

by Ann Pettifor.

While Labour and LibDem activists mourn, and political opportunists seize the moment, is the loss of the election such a bad thing? Might this be a good time to lose an election? I think so. The reasons can be found in both domestic and global financial imbalances, in the advance of de-globalisation trends that are […]

South American Left united as US aims for regime change in Venezuela

by Matt Willgress.

On 9 March, US President Barack Obama signed an executive order declaring “a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela” and imposed a further round of sanctions on the South American country. Following the introduction […]

Tectonic plates shifting in world power structure are signs of a new world order

by Michael Meacher.

Something has just happened which got hardly any attention in the media, but which is very important. The recent setting up by China of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank may not seem likely to excite the passions, but it should. For this is clearly an intention by the big Asian powers to challenge the World […]

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