Posts Tagged ‘NHS’

Saving the NHS: What has improved in Labour’s health policy?

by Lara McNeill.

Labour should always be proud of creating the NHS. No less, creating it in “the aftermath of war and national bankruptcy” as our 2017 manifesto states. Labour will always be the party to save the NHS, but in recent elections it has not been able to save the Labour Party. The Conservatives leading hospitals into […]

Diane Abbott: Vote Labour to Save Our NHS

by Diane Abbott.

Vote Labour to Save Our NHS By Diane Abbott MP One of the clearest issues at stake in the upcoming General Election will be the very future of our NHS, and the differences between Labour and the Tories on this issue couldn’t be clearer. Tory austerity has meant that the NHS has been stretched to […]

Save our NHS!

by Matt Willgress.

The crisis in the NHS has reached a new level in recent weeks, yet Teresa May and Jeremy Hunt are burying their head in the sand, even criticising the Red Cross for declaring a ‘humanitarian crisis’ in the NHS, with the Prime Minister saying the claims were “irresponsible.” As Labour activists, we need to be […]

Our understaffed underfunded NHS is the result of government ideology

by Diane Abbott.

Jeremy Hunt had few answers from the barrage of cross bench concern this week’s parliamentary debates on the NHS funding and the impact of Brexit on the NHS. When asked what he was doing to ensure that the NHS gets the £350million a week that it was promised during the Leave referendum campaign, the Secretary […]

Tories’ pre-election fantasising comes back to haunt them

by Michael Meacher.

Northern powerhouse deflates into Northern power-cut. It was so hurriedly propagated by Osborne before the election as portraying the government as dynamic innovators of English devolution, but none of the details had been properly worked through, including the required transport infrastructure as we now know. So the election gimmick, if not evaporated, has dimmed at […]

The NHS may yet sink the Tories

by Michael Meacher.

The NHS is deteriorating fast, faster and more seriously than many of the public yet realise. Nearly half a million patients waited more than 4 hours in A&E for treatment, referral or discharge in the last quarter of 2014, half as many again as in the previous quarter and the worst performance for over a […]

On George Osborne’s sorry pathetic car crash interview

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

If a confrontation with Paxo or Brillo is like going ten rounds with a grizzly bear, spending time on Andrew Marr’s sofa is the political equivalent of a smooch by a pound puppy. Yet this giver of the most gentle of interviews had George Osborne on the ropes in seconds. Of course, if you ask Dan […]

The Tories are beginning to panic

by Michael Meacher.

Osborne’s last-minute claim that he would provide £8bn a year to meet the NHS funding gap says it all. After years of sniping at Labour for even the slightest deviation from funded expenditure, he now suddenly offers, as the polls begin to slip away from the Tories, a colossal pile of unfunded NHS commitments worth […]

NHS charges are certain if Tories win election

by Michael Meacher.

The BMA rightly raises the spectre of the NHS being subject to charges for medical treatment after the election. This has become a real threat as a result of Tory policy over the last 5 years – partly from the unprecedented imposition of £20bn cuts amounting to nearly a fifth of the entire NHS budget, […]

NHS staff in England are being treated even worse than other public sector workers

by Michael Meacher.

It was Nigel Lawson, I think, who once opined that the NHS was the nearest thing the British had to a religion. If so the government has treated its priestly acolytes uniquely badly. The average real pay of NHS workers has fallen by over 10% since 2009. No less than 40,000 are paid below the […]

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