Posts Tagged ‘CLPD’

Elections to Labour’s national executive: do you want a member-led party or don’t you?

by Phil Burton-Cartledge.

When I’ve finished writing this blog post, I’ll be heading over to my inbox to send my National Executive Committee votes off for Yasmine Dar, Rachel Garnham and Jon Lansman. For obvious reasons this internal contest has been portrayed as pro-Jez or anti-Jez; you’re either for him or against him. Yet it’s worth remembering this […]

CLPD recommends first preference for Diane Abbott, second for Sadiq Khan

by Barry Gray.

The London Labour Party is selecting its candidate to fight next May’s London Mayoral election. The ballot will take place alongside the leadership contest, from 14 August to 10 September. The position of London Mayor has important powers in the areas of transport, fire services, planning, policing and the environment. The Mayor also champions the interests […]

Campaign for Labour Party democracy points the way forward

by Mick Loates.

The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD held its annual general meeting, its 42nd, on Saturday (28 February) at Conway Hall in central London.  Ove)r 80 CLPD members and supporters attended, and there was much discussion and debate on the way forward for the Labour Party. Chair Gaye Johnston introduced Kelvin Hopkins MP as first […]

What is the future of the Labour-union link?

by Peter Willsman.

After Collins, what of the future? Of the collective link between the Labour Party and the trade unions as organisations representing the organised working class? The composition of the implementation committee is quite encouraging, and its actions may avert our worst fears in the immediate future. For example, Labour Uncut have suggested that the implementation committee  might change […]

Campaign to defend the Labour Party-Trade Union link

by Jon Lansman.

The Labour Party is calling on its members to let its leaders know by Friday 13 September what they think about Ed Miliband’s proposals on “building a better Labour Party, so we can build a better Britain.” Tell us how you’d build a better Labour Party – a party that is rooted in the hopes of the […]

Forty years of CLPD – a cause for celebration

by Billy Hayes.

This article first appeared in the CLPD’s Campaign Bulletin 40th Anniversary issue which was published last week, and can be downloaded here. The Campaign for Labour Party Democracy’s fortieth anniversary is indeed cause for celebration. Our campaign has registered a number of important successes in its existence. Yet surely its importance really lies in its […]

Why Labour conference must be saved – and how to do it

by Conrad Landin.

There is a way to make party conference – and the Labour party – a worthwhile, democratic body, and save a load of money in the process. Make conference shorter by all means, but not at the expense of democracy.

Refounding Labour: what’s happened since?

by Peter Willsman.

In the months since the 2011 Annual Conference further discussions have taken place to build on last year’s “Refounding Labour” changes to the party structures, particularly with the unions. Refounding Labour, controversially passed on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis at Liverpool, significantly altered the party rulebook.

The Labour Left at its worst

by Jon Lansman.

About a hundred people gathered in London on Saturday to determine the future of Labour Briefing — whether it should remain an independent magazine or become the house journal of the Labour Representation Committee (LRC) of which John McDonnell is the chair. It decided, by 44 to 37 votes with a few abstentions, to go […]

NEC elections: latest nomination figures

by Jon Lansman.

In the second week in which the latest tally of nominations for constituency representatives on Labour’s national executive are published, former party chair, Ann Black, has consolidated an unassailable lead. Three other candidates, Ken Livingstone and Christine Shawcroft from the centre-left slate and Ellie Reeves from the Right-wing Progress/Labour First slate have also pulled ahead. All […]

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