13,592 signatures

Jagtar Singh Johal

British activist Jagtar was tortured and forced to ‘confess’. He now faces the threat of the death penalty in India.

Our impact

people saved from death row around the world
people freed from detention without charge or trial
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What others say

I believe Reprieve to be one of the absolutely, most brilliant NGOs who are dealing with the most challenging issues of our time. They stay at it year, after year, after year.
Jon Snow — Journalist and Reprieve Patron
I have never received anything like this before. I have read all of the messages. You cannot imagine how happy it makes me… It is good to know I am not forgotten.
Abdul Latif Nasser — Client in Guantánamo
The justice Reprieve has secured in the last 20 years shows me there is always hope... I’m proud to be part of the Reprieve community.
Olivia Colman — Oscar winning actress
How can people who don’t even know us send so many messages... It gives me faith in the world again.
Kris Maharaj — Client in Florida, USA
Reprieve who is one of the most effective organisations I know, working on some of the most urgent issues that we face in the world today.
Bianca Jagger — Council of Europe goodwill ambassador