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The Progressive Policy Think Tank

State of the North 2020/21: Power up, level up, rise up

Publication Report Devolution & local leadership Power & politics IPPR North

IPPR, the Institute for Public Policy Research, is the UK's leading progressive think tank

IPPR Centre for Economic Justice

Our ambitious initiative to provide the progressive and practical ideas for fundamental reform of the economy

IPPR’s Environmental Justice Commission

An ambitious programme of reform, capable of tackling the dual problems of climate change and wider economic and social injustice

IPPR Better Health and Care Programme

The programme aims to undertake new analysis and put forward bold policy recommendations to address the most significant challenges facing our health and care system today

IPPR Future Welfare State Programme

The programme looks to understand the big shifts that will transform our country in the decades of disruption to come and how we can ‘future-proof’ our welfare state to manage them - creating a prosperous and just society.

London Progression Collaboration

An initiative to help over 1,000 Londoners to progress from unemployment into work, and from low-paid low-skilled work into better-quality, higher-paying jobs

IPPR Progressive Review

IPPR's journal of politics and ideas, showcasing the best in British and international thinking for achieving lasting progressive change.