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Bryan Gould was a New Zealand Rhodes Scholar who pursued a career in the UK as a diplomat, Oxford law don, television journalist and politician. He was a member of Labour’s Shadow Cabinet and contested the Labour Party leadership in 1992. He returned to New Zealand to become Vice-Chancellor of Waikato University in 1994. He has written a number of books on politics and economic policy. Read more…

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Biden’s Choice

Joe Biden seems to be everything that Donald Trump was not - decent, straightforward, considerate of others, mindful of his...
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To Impeach Or Not?

To impeach or not to impeach? I understand why some of those who are justifiably aghast at Trump’s behaviour over...
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Telling It Like It Is

In a recent column I wrote for local newspapers, I ventured to suggest that Donald Trump - in addition to...
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How Did We Get to Here?

As the negotiations drag on and a no-deal Brexit remains a possibility, anti-Brexit opinion (for example, in the Guardian) asks,...
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We Trusted Each Other

As 2020 draws to a close, we can reflect that it will live long in history as the year when...
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Latest Book: “Call to Action”

I am delighted to report that a new book, co-authored by my long-time colleague, John Mills, and myself was published in London last week by W H Allen.  The book is called “Call To Action” and comprises a powerful argument for addressing the major problems that have now held back the British economy for decades.  Those problems include a damaging loss of competitiveness, a policy blind spot on the importance of the exchange rate, a perennial and debilitating foreign payments deficit, the perilous decline of manufacturing, and the futile focus on the government deficit as the prime goal of policy.  The book provides a carefully researched case for taking action now before it is too late and could offer the way to better outcomes following the May election.

Call to Action by John Mills and Bryan Gould

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This book is also available as an ebook.