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  1. 2월 25일

    & finally, if I were Bridget McKenzie and my office, authority & ministerial discretion had been hijacked to further some Machiavel in the PMO with Excel and no compunction about throwing me under a bus, I'd probably be a little less amenable about the mangled wreck of my career.

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  2. 2월 25일

    Also, if I was Angus Taylor and someone gave me a document that was so wrong that when I used it to try smear the Mayor of Sydney I ended up looking like a berk, wouldn't I be remotely curious as to how it came into existence and demand an explanation from whoever gave it to me?

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  3. 2월 25일

    Also, if I were devoutly religious and believed in the Golden Rule of 'do unto others...', I would not be a party to increasing benefits for the unemployed by a paltry $4 a day. This would also apply if I wasn't religious and subscribed, say, to Kant's categorical imperative.

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  4. 2월 25일

    If I was the PM an I'd heard about a security breach down the corridor and then heard it involved the Minister for Defence Industry's office and then heard that a staffer from my office had been sacked, I'd probably have said to someone 'Hey, what's going on?"

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  5. 2월 23일
  6. 2월 23일

    I've worked out what's wrong with our democracy. It's representational and most of us are stupid. Plus 3-4 yearly elections mean governments play a short game. What we need is an altruistic despot bent on ensuring the continued existence of human life. We should call for tenders.

  7. 2월 23일

    I guess that's the last we'll ever hear from him.

  8. 2월 22일

    I suppose that the PM is hoping a second dose will give him a higher efficacy.

  9. 2월 22일

    I was happy to recommend 's book on the back cover (bloody got on the front) and am happy to do so here too. 2 alt.blurbs not used were: "A book so heretical the Pope is bound to issue a fatwa." and "Made me want to become a nun."

  10. 2월 19일

    3rd April - raised with PMO (text) 4th April - Reynolds speaks to police (AFP) 5th April - date PM says PMO became aware before apologising that he'd misread the date and it was actually the 12th Feb '21 (Hansard). What was the 5th April ref in his notes?

  11. 2월 18일

    Ah yes, the Fourth Law of Robotics.

  12. 2월 17일

    I'm disappointed. Not so much that Mad as Hell has been banned from Facebook, but that Casey also follows The Masked Singer.

  13. 2월 17일

    I know I'm not at all the target audience but I still found this very funny. Original and daring scripts, great performances and direction, and it looks a million bucks (no mean feat given it was probably made for 14 cents). via

  14. 2월 16일

    In this picture, the PM is unaware that Tanya Plibersek is speaking because no one has advised him.

  15. 2월 12일

    I'm no health expert, but shouldn't he be wearing gloves?

  16. 2월 12일

    Greetings from Sunny Melbourne.

  17. 2월 11일

    I wonder what his policy will be on pork-barrelling. Because paleo.

  18. 2월 11일

    Ditto the newspapers. The puns, hyperbole, muck, and railing against the left all make them seem like joke-versions of what a newspaper should be. At the end of the day, I'm probably being self-serving: a lack of media diversity/ownership makes the ABC even more important. 2/2

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  19. 2월 11일

    Mmmmm. Happy to concede I was perhaps being a bit naive about the whole thing. Having watched quite a bit of Sky News for work, I've always found it a bit half-arsed (especially compared with the slickness of Fox News) and so assumed no one would take it all that seriously. 1/2

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  20. 2월 10일

    I'm dubious. While we're capable of being just as stupid as they are over there, we're not so easily led. Nor, frankly. do we care as much. Plus, Sky News commentary is designed to be chopped up and fed to Americans via social media. It isn't meant for us.

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