Showing posts with label Meg White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meg White. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2012

White Stripes Breakup Video LOL

This shit is strictly for the fans, but it's kinda funny.

And as a pretty good bonus... Eric Burden and The Animals: I know this song has been played to death, but there is very good reason for it, don't you agree?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So fuckin' lame...


This sucks. This is what the old Jack White would've had nightmares about.

Shit, if you can make it through the whole video and leave a comment, man... I'd like to hear about it, because this sucks so bad that I couldn't imagine someone else listening to it the whole way through without having been promised something.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights - Review.

Rating: 4 out of 5 peppermint candies.

So, tonight I watched the new White Stripes movie, Under Great White Northern Lights, and all I can say is that I was left feeling a little cold and unfulfilled. That isn't to say that it's a bad film by any means. In fact, it's just the opposite. In 92 minutes director Emmet Malloy manages to capture tons of beautiful scenery and dozens of candid moments between the supposed siblings that once shared a house as husband and wife. For the uninitiated this may be a bit too ramshackle and for the die hard fan it may make you feel as though you've waiting too long for too little. (I really did enjoy it... promise.)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

White Stripes Universal Buzz Studios 9/21/2000
Click here if you think you can dance

I've seen these guys live a bunch of times and the feeling I got from all the shows was one of awesomeness. I wasn't in attendance for this one though. Aw shucks! Anyway, this show is pretty good except for some clicks and pops from the vinyl, but I'm sure you'll get past that pretty quickly.

Enjoy The White Stripes Live at Universal Buzz Studios in Rochester, NY

PS. I wish I could remember where I got this record because I'd seriously travel back in time and beat the piss out of whoever sold it to me and said it was "mint". Bitch.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The White Stripes and Conan O' Brien

The final Late Night with Conan O' Brien just ended about three seconds ago. I pretty much dislike all late night shows because I'm uncaring as to what celebrities are up to or what movie they're promoting, but Conan was different. Over the past sixteen or so years that crazy ass red haired man has brought a lot of laughter into our homes. I'm sad to see him go, but equally happy to see that he's just getting a new time slot.

Okay, now that I got the mushy parts out of the way...

What the hell was up with Jack and Meg? Is she pregnant? I can't believe I'm actually going to type this, but...

I was really underwhelmed.

With so much anticipation I waited to see the mighty White Stripes unleash some new material or at least perform a rollicking version of the world's greatest song Let's shake hands...

Sadly they did a less than spirited version of I can tell that we are going to be friends that, in all honesty, left me scratching my head. It was almost as painful as hearing Joss Stone's godawful version of Fell in Love with a girl or the acoustic version of said song that Jack played in Japan a few years back where it seemed he was covering the Joss Stone version himself. Aye...

It's been said that Conan asked them to play what they did and their performance was sad and chock full of emotion...I didn't see that while I lay on the floor like an excited child in front of the TV. I still want them to release another record.

Seeing them standing side by side was nice. More please.