Jacket Copy

Here's a fun print interview with the Los Angeles Times about Indies First, the author-as-bookseller-for-a-day movement.

My career exists because of independent bookstores.

Copyright © 2018 by FallsApart Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Contents of this site may not be reproduced without prior written consent.

Alicia Mendenez Tonight - Fusion TV

Here's my video interview with Alicia Menendez on the new Fusion TV Network. She's in the early stages of media stardom so it was fun to be the uncool middle-age dude on her show. Best part of this interview happened backstage: EVERYBODY WAS BROWN. Producers, technicians, crew, makeup, security were all brown folks. 

The new term is ‘racially insensitive.’ Which is just a longer way of saying ‘racist.’

Copyright © 2018 by FallsApart Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Contents of this site may not be reproduced without prior written consent.

WUSF Public Media & WLRN Public Media

Here's a radio interview with Sammy Mack on her State Impact show in which I speak about the Miami Book Festival, book festivals in general, the impact of electronic literature on our world, and about the nationwide effort to ban books.


Percival Everett, the writer, always says that if you’re getting banned then you’re offending the right monsters.

Copyright © 2018 by FallsApart Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Contents of this site may not be reproduced without prior written consent.

The Atlantic - By Heart

A print interview about the poetry line that made me want to drop everything and become a poet. That line? "O, Uncle Adrian, I'm in the reservation of my mind." That's from Adrian C. Louis, one of my very favorite poets.

Illustration by  Doug Mclean

Illustration by Doug Mclean

I think every writer stands in the doorway of their prison. Half in, half out. The very act of storytelling is a return to the prison of what torments us and keeps us captive, and writers are repeat offenders.

Copyright © 2018 by FallsApart Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Contents of this site may not be reproduced without prior written consent.

The New York Times Book Review - By the Book

A print interview about my favorite writers and books. It also features an illustration of me that, um, looks EXACTLY like my father. His Indian name was Two Jowls. Currently, my Indian name is One-and-a-Half Jowls.

Illustration by  Jillian Tamaki

Illustration by Jillian Tamaki

I tend to read books that feature crime, criminals and justice. I stay clear of any book with ‘Native American spirituality’ in the description.

Copyright © 2018 by FallsApart Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Contents of this site may not be reproduced without prior written consent.