Being 18-25 is like playing a video game where you’ve skipped the tutorial and you’re just sort of running about with no idea how anything works

Being 25-30 is like later on in the game when you’ve figured out how things work, but have made poor leveling decisions along the way and are now horribly underpowered for what you’re supposed to be doing.

Being 30-35 is coming to the conclusion that if wildly swinging a sword at random while screaming has gotten you this far, may as well keep at it. 

concept: writer’s rooms hire me to watch their show/franchise and then stand in the corner while they’re storyboarding the next season/film and spray them with a spray bottle full of water every time they suggest something narratively and/or characterizationally inconsistent

anyone reblogging this saying anything along the lines of “this is already a thing” is missing my point

i’m not standing in that corner to be told by the showrunner that they’ll “take my input into consideration” and then they ignore me and ruin the story. the showrunner is not immune to my spray bottle full of water in this hypothetical

i am there to be a Nuisance, aggressively

This is the only vibe ✨

I’ve probably watched this 10 times in a row and that whipcrack sends me every time

It’s the universally known *clap clap clapclapclap* for me






New minecraft youtuber just dropped

“I took a minute to quickly check which sample would have the most activity, assuming 100g, low-enriched (5%) samples, and negligible activity from the other sample constituents....


I took a minute to quickly check which sample would have the most activity, assuming 100g, low-enriched (5%) samples, and negligible activity from the other sample constituents. Radium is top by a factor of 10,000, which seems about right considering my personal experience with it.

“considering my personal experience with it” What the fuck does this imply

It implies I have personal experience with handling radium samples, which I have. That saucy little thot can make the geiger counter crackle through a lead plate more than americium can through air

REALLY living up to your url king


Guys omg Callie from the squid sisters got brainwashed by Octavio !!!!! Please reblog to save her 😢😢😢


It can be difficult to understand just how routine-oriented cats can be if you’ve never owned one. If my oven timer goes off and I’m slow responding to it, my cats will run and fetch me and lead me right to it, because the beepy thing means the human is supposed to go into the kitchen, and are they the only ones around here who give a damn about the Rules?

One night my partner decided to stay up and play video games whilst I got an early night, and the cat responded to this by running from the bedroom to the living room yelling, because only ONE human had gone to bed and so IS IT BEDTIME OR NOT HUMANS, MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, THIS IS NO WAY TO RUN A HOUSEHOLD.

my wife likes to put me in the microwave

i love her

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