Meriki Onus


Gunai x Gunditjmara • Yarnda Consulting • Radio Host on the Black Block Community Radio • WAR • Atlantic Fellow 2021 • Writer

Kulin Nations
Se unió en abril de 2012


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  1. Tweet fijado
    9 feb.
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  2. retwitteó
    hace 12 horas

    At least once a day I’ve been like, oh, there’s a rapist in parliament. And then I’m like oh, there’s probably more than one. And then I’m like oh, there’s probably always been rapists in parliament. And then I’m like, oh yeah, that’s the history of colonialism.

  3. retwitteó
    8 mar.

    i’m down for black liberation. while the head of a colonial empire sat down with a billionaire to discuss racism, the continent continues to be plundered and occupied by european forces. anti-blackness is foundational to the empire she married into. my solidarity is with africa

  4. retwitteó

    decolonisation isn’t making harry or meghan the pm. please jizzle juice 💧 twitter just stop!

  5. hace 14 horas
  6. hace 17 horas

    I’m convinced that our sovereignty can never be honestly expressed in the white mans legal system.

  7. hace 18 horas
  8. retwitteó
    hace 22 horas
    En respuesta a y a

    They can’t be an ally because their fight isn’t to dismantle patriarchalism, their fight is to advance their female whiteness.

  9. retwitteó
    hace 23 horas

    "I'm not marching for white women's liberation" I stand by . The revolution will belong to all of us or guess what...It won't be a revolution. Liberation only for your white girl means oppression for my brown girl and we won't stand for that.

  10. 8 mar.

    This ain’t it. You reducing my concerns to complaining is apart of the problem

  11. 8 mar.
  12. 8 mar.
  13. 8 mar.

    Actually, my sister told me today. So stfu.

  14. 8 mar.
  15. 8 mar.
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  16. 8 mar.

    Insulted and In tears I walked away. I’m not marching for white women’s liberation. I was met with a defensiveness and felt as though I was being made an aggressor for just being there 5/

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  17. 8 mar.

    I was then at the last minute asked to speak. By this time I was close to tears thinking about the invisibility and negligence our people continue to die at the hands of. I didn’t want to cry on stage and give these people the anger black woman they all paint us as. 4/

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  18. 8 mar.

    What Aboriginal woman wants to be pulled out the make up an annual quota anyway? The truth is we aren’t apart of women’s liberation. I was standing there listening to international women’s struggling and the pay gap while holding Tanya Days placard. I never felt so invisible 3/

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  19. 8 mar.

    Last minute. That was an outright lie, Lidia pulled out a couple of days ago. She then said that she had been trying to contact an Aboriginal woman with no success. I find it extremely hard to believe that all Aboriginal women in Melbourne are unavailable. 2/

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  20. 8 mar.

    To be clear, I didn’t go to the melb march to speak myself. I went as a participant. I had no speech prepared. There were no Aboriginal speakers. I asked an organiser where were the Aboriginal women said they had Lidia Thorpe up to speak but she pulled out at the 1/

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