Ronnie Gorrie


[-o-] Kurnai/Krauatungalung/Writer/Kukun to Nanwan and Yeerung comes out June 2020 🖤💛❤️

Menyertai Disember 2019


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  1. Mengetweet Semula
    19 Jul

    I’m having a hard time w/ SOME people that use the words trauma/PTSD. Your parents not buying you a car or helping you through uni isn’t trauma. Some folks grew up in wars? Displaced? Removed? With trauma that will never be resolved no matter how much therapy they attempt.

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  2. Mengetweet Semula
    19 Jul

    How terrifying for these young people, their lives are in the hands of the state. Staff are sent home but what about the young ppl who have had close contact? Locked down in isolation cells? How are they being cared for? must now to save lives!

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    19 Jul

    They’ve reached their goal but little bits will help with rego, “delivery” palaver and other stuff no doubt.

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  4. Mengetweet Semula
    19 Jul

    How about instead of handing someone a $200 fine you hand them a pack of masks? This is outrageous.

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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    19 Jul

    Not sure if I’ve already tweeted but I can’t wait to start uni this semester. Doing a subject called health law and ethics which will be very relevant. Also some writing subjects. I love my babies so much but having things outside of them is really important.

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  6. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Jul

    It’s so good. Not eligible for job keeper. Projects keep deferring. I have dipped into super twice already just to survive. Food bank a few times. My Dad is 2000kms away & in & out of hospital, but I can’t visit. So hey, party on Victoria ya fucking clowns.

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  7. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Jul

    My friends and fam who've tested negative will be released from captivity tonight at 11:59pm.

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  8. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Jul

    Please donate and share. 7 days til my birthday and I’d love to hit my target. Literally making my dream come true. ❤️🥺

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  9. Mengetweet Semula
    18 Jul

    When we say this is what we’re talking about! We need help to break down systemic racism that continues to exist in Australia. This really is a disgrace and a reflection on how we are devalued in the “lucky country”

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  10. 17 Jul
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  11. Mengetweet Semula
    14 Jul

    "Aboriginal self-determination [should be] embedded in the Sentencing Act and the... [Koori Court] should have more discretion to place Aboriginal offenders into culturally appropriate diversion programs."

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  12. Mengetweet Semula
    16 Jul

    A coronial inquest into the death of 37 year old Yorta Yorta and Wiradjuri woman Veronica Nelson has begun today with its first mention in the Victorian Coroners Court.

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Jul

    Aboriginal kids have to get help from outside the community to get laptops for their education. Our kids are struggling to get laptops to maintain their education during the school closures. Where can kids get acces laptops to maintain their schooling? People can’t afford it.

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  14. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul

    "A lot of the works are about connection to country...” Art transforms sterile hospital walls into colourful galleries in Gladstone and Biloela.

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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul

    Hey Melbourne. Going somewhere super fun this weekend? Please don't. Just... no. ✅ Stay home ✅ Stay safe ✅ Save lives

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    16 Jul

    Wear. A Fkng. Mask...

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  17. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul

    Already half way there. Keep those donations rolling in!

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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul
    Membalas kepada

    Thank you for organising and sharing this. As someone who nurses in this environment, I see how overwhelming and stressful this is for parents, and Covid has made it even more isolating.

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul

    I met this tidda in the Royal Womens NICU. She had her beautiful baby at 26 weeks just as COVID kicked off. She already has three older children. Octaevius has cystic fibrosis and went home on oxygen this week. Jasmine needs a new car. Please dig deep.

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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    17 Jul

    The NICU experience is already one of the most stressful situations to be in. You put your entire life on hold to see your baby through it. Often you don’t know if your baby will survive. Add to that COVID. This woman was there day in, day out.

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