feminist tattoo bust

The aftermath of this election has been tough for all of us, and it’s hard to know what to do or what actions to take to make our country feel a little safer for women and girls. We strive to make BUST one of those safe places, but we need your support now if we’re going to keep providing a voice for those who need us most over the next four years.

BUST has been the magazine “for women with something to get off their chests,” for 23 years. But now we’re struggling to survive at a time when independent feminist media is more crucial than ever. Many of you have shared with us that you are making donations to worthwhile causes like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU as a way to fight back against the injustices you’ve seen looming on the horizon. And now, we’re hopefully requesting that you add us to your list of causes that need your help.You can keep BUST afloat in four concrete ways:
1. Subscribe
2. Buy subscriptions for your feminist friends
3. Donate $5, $25, $50 or whatever you can afford
4. Spread the word:
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Thanks so much. Your continued support means the world to us and we'd love to keep bringing you women's news, interviews with celebrities you actually care about, women’s history and culture, entertainment, and feminist lifestyle coverage for decades to come.  

We Can’t Spell BUST without U!

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