petty ©


Gunai x Gunditjmara • Yarnda Consulting • Radio Host 3CR • WAR • Atlantic Fellow 2021

Kulin Nations
در ۱۳۹۱ فروردین پیوسته است


@MerikiKO را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @MerikiKO را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. توییت سنجاق‌شده
    بهمن ۵
  2. ۴۵ دقیقه پیش

    I’m not here for fat shaming Eddie McGuire. There’s more than enough racism to get him on.

  3. ۳ ساعت پیش

    Can’t wait to read this! Putting my order in now! Thanks aunty

  4. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۷ ساعت پیش

    Diversity is not the cure of racism.

  5. ۱۶ ساعت پیش

    Omg. I’m angry all over again. This whole thread 🤬🤬

  6. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۴

    You’re all racist until you can prove you’re not. We’re no longer carrying the burden of proof.

  7. ۱۷ ساعت پیش
  8. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۱ ساعت پیش

    Good People are just not having it anymore. They are not having the Racism or the Injustices done to Indigenous peoples. Collingwood Football Club, The Project & others your time has run out.

  9. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۱ ساعت پیش
  10. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۴

    Eddie. Piss off

  11. ۲۲ ساعت پیش

    Uni bureaucracy make ya wanna quit before you start 🌋

  12. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۴

    And we too will forever remember those gammin mob who undermined us.

  13. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۴

    Seriously, some of the blackfullas we’ve got making a living from consulting. No wonder the message isn’t getting through properly. What an embarrassment

  14. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۴

    Please tell us how you will do better? Because I sure as shit don’t believe you. You are massively part of the culture that has been endorsed this shit for an eternity

  15. بهمن ۱۴
  16. بهمن ۱۳
  17. بهمن ۱۳

    Eddie can’t be his own judge and jury

  18. بهمن ۱۳

    ABC reporter this morning says he doesn’t believe Eddie McGuire is the right person to address the findings in Do Better and it’s recommendations. Stand down Eddie.

  19. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۳

    The wife of a Melbourne prison guard who killed himself said he was bullied for reporting a colleague who allegedly kicked a prisoner in the head. She said he was told: "You should never have written up a blue shirt, you don’t dob on a blue shirt".

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  20. بهمن ۱۳
  21. بهمن ۱۳

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