Moving Toolkit : Packing Tips

Moving Toolkit : Packing Tips

Whether you would like to take care of much of the packing yourself, or as little as possible, Trusted Van Lines will be happy to do as much of the packing as you require.


  • Make a list of items that you are planning to pack and write down quantities
  • Start packing as soon as you know you are moving, pack the items that you are less likely to use first
  • Never pack Flammables items or unallowable items
  • For protecting fragile items use a generous amount of paper and bubble wrap on the bottom and top of the box
  • Write on the carton the content, room number and Fragility Level
  • Mark boxes that need to be “Open First”, and tell the movers which one are they
  • Separate fragile items from non fragile items
  • Pack boxes and bins as tightly as possible
  • Make sure all boxes and cartons are secured with professional tape, both on the bottom and on the top, this is important especially for heavy boxes


  • Make sure you use dish pack or similar boxes. These boxes are thicker and provide better protection for fragile items.
  • Make sure the box is cushioned with wrapping paper on the bottom, wrap each item separately and use more the one sheet for larger items.
  • After each third of the box place some paper for separation before placing additional items
  • Always place heavier items on the bottoms and lighter ones on top.
  • Make sure the packing is as tight as possible so the items will not move around in transit.


  • Silverware and Cutlery are much easier to pack since they are not fragile, all you have to do is to place about 10-15 pieces on each sheet of wrapping paper and close with tape, it is recommended to use more than one sheet of paper.
  • You can combine these items with other pots, pans, and small kitchen appliances.

Cups, Stemware, and Glasses

  • For wrapping cups, lay two sheets of paper with the cup at one corner, roll the cup all the way to the other side and close the edges.
  • Glasses are wrapped the same way, it is recommended to use more than two sheets of paper for thinner glass.
  • For Stemware, use small sheets to cover the stem, once the stem is wrapped you can repeat the process of placing at one corner and closing the edges.

Lamps and Shades

  • It is very important that you Do Not pack the lamp Base and Shade still attached.
  • Start by taking the shade and any metal supporters off.
  • The base must be wrapped with bubble wrap or sheets of paper for maximum protection.
  • You can place both items in the same box, but do make sure that there is a separation between the two with paper or bubble wrap and that you do not overload such fragile boxes.
  • Trusted has Custom made Lamp boxes for tall lamps, they can also be used for golf clubs and other similar shapes.

Books and Paperwork

  • Try to pack books and paperwork only in book boxes, since books tend to be heavier then other items, if you pack them in large boxes the box will likely break open.
  • Place the books on their sides and not standing up, this will make sure that the boxes will not crush and damage the books, do the same for paperwork.

Mirrors and Glass

  • Since these items are very fragile, try to use special boxes such as mirror pack
  • For pictures it is recommended to use paper sheets, for paintings and glass tops, bubble wrap is much more effective.
  • Place the pictures in the box like it was hanging on the wall, cushion the bottom of the box and seal with tape, so not overload such boxes, and do not lay them flat.


  • If you have saved the computer and office electronics original cartons, please use them for the repacking. Make sure you have removed any CD’s that are in the Compact Disc slot, also it is important to use a generous amount of packing supplies or even pillows, comforters, etc as moving appliances is more delicate job according to this resource.
  • Start by placing a generous amount of packing supplies at the bottom of the carton for proper padding.
  • Wrap and protect all of the computer components, and place in adequate cartons.
  • Make sure that the items are tightly packed in the cartons and no loose items are moving inside the cartons.
  • Label the cartons with “fragile” and mark the content.

Stereos and Electronics

  • As in packing computers, try to repack all electronics in their original cartons, you can always cushion the cartons with any pillows, comforters and such.
  • Use soft items and/or packing supplies to pad the bottom of the carton.
  • Wrap all electronics and their components with protective materials.
  • Tightly place the items in the cartons and make sure that there are no moving parts or items in the cartons.
  • Close and seal the cartons with tape.
  • Mark the cartons “fragile” and write the content.

Statuary and Figurines

  • It is recommended to use double protection for small and fragile items.
  • Start by wrapping each item with bubble wrap.
  • Apply clean paper and wrap the item.
  • When placing into the carton, try to use a thick type of carton, cushion the bottom and start placing items.
  • Every 3rd section of the carton apply cushioning above the already placed items, to create a divider between bottom, middle, and upper section of the carton.


  • If you can obtain either from Trusted or from your local box store, a special carton for packing bottles like these ones it would be best.
  • If you are going to use a regular carton then use a carton no bigger than Medium box (3.0 CU.FT).
  • Place bottles standing up and place white paper between bottles and on the bottom of the carton for cushioning before sealing the carton place additional white paper on top of the bottles and seal the carton with tape.


  • It is recommended that you use wardrobe boxes that are specially designed for transporting clothes.
  • If you would like to use any other type, fold the clothes and pack tightly in cartons.
How much does a move cost?

How much does a move cost?

Do you have to move and fear how much it can cost to move all your things? Here you will find an estimated price of the move taking into account certain factors.

One of the most worrying factors when changing homes is how much it costs to move all your belongings to your new home. The first thing you should be clear about is that the price of a move is calculated taking into account the volume of things you are going to move, and the route that has to be made. From this information, the moving company can give you an approximate budget.

In this article, you will see an approximate price of how much a move costs, taking into account various factors. And if you want more information, here we explain how to change homes successfully. Factors that influence the price of a move.

Although it is a small or large move, there are things that directly affect the price increase for the transfer of your things. Each company is different, but here we tell you 4 elements that are common among each one:

  • Price per km traveled begins to count from the point of departure until arrival at the new home. If the move is made from one city to another, the surcharge increases.
  • Price by volume. The number of rooms that your home has will be another factor that will influence the cost of the move since if you have more rooms, it means that you also have more things to move.
  • Price for packaging. Another cause that can raise the cost is that the company takes charge of all the work of collecting and packing your furniture and belongings. The fact that they take care of the packaging can increase the price by approximately 30%.
  • Extra surcharge prices. If your home does not have a lift or it is very small and you are forced to request a removal lift, you will also have to ask for a special parking permit for the company, and it will be another element that will increase the price of your move.

Changing homes within the same location is one of the most economical options since they would not charge you the mileage surcharge.

And how much does it cost to move to another city?

If you move to another destination outside your locality you have to take into account the surcharge that the company makes per km traveled.

Where is it more expensive and where is it cheaper to make a move?

In general, moving within large cities such as San Francisco or Los Angeles means an increase in the price.

On the other hand, moving to closer places and/or to cities that are not so big, would imply a significant reduction in the cost of transportation.

5 tips to make your move not so expensive

  1. The more things you have to move, the higher the price, so it’s a good idea to get rid of the things you know you will not need in your new home.
  2. If the moving company takes care of packing your things, it will increase the price significantly. If you want to lower that cost, get down to work and with the help of your family and/or friends, pack what you bring to your new home on your own.
  3. Before hiring any transport agency, make sure you have requested a budget in others so that you have an approximate cost and can decide which is the best option for you.
  4. If you are going to move near or within the same locality, you can go carrying things in your car or in a friend’s. This will reduce the number of boxes and obviously the price of the move.
  5. If you can be flexible on the dates of collection and delivery of your belongings, there are companies that can vary the price according to the date.
Tips for making a move to another country

Tips for making a move to another country

Changing house can end up being a headache because of the move, especially if the change is going to be to a different country, because the transfer is mixed with the adaptation to the new environment that you are going to reach, the new language that You will learn and the people you will meet after your arrival. The truth is that international moves vary compared to local removals, especially as regards the method of transport, packaging, relevant documentation and the cost of travel.

If what you leave behind is a home of your own, your home insurance is a valuable backup to protect your property and belongings that you stop from any accident or that occur while you are away. Also, do not throw away the idea of ​​taking out insurance in your new city to protect your heritage from unfortunate events.

Tips before the international move

  • Select what you are going to take: the removals are also an opportunity to review your belongings and get rid of those that you no longer use, those that you do not think are convenient in your new life or those that you can sell to earn extra money. This will lighten the move by leaving only the important and open spaces for the new thing that is to come.
  • Hire a moving company: the most advisable thing is to do it in advance so they can go to your home, evaluate the volume of the move and give you a precise budget. Before an event like this, it is better to have the advice of professionals because they know better the methods of packaging and transport of all the objects you want to take. Once you hire that company, you must provide the exact addresses of the removal and download of the move, telephone numbers to facilitate communication and other relevant information as appropriate.</li>
  • Separation of goods: before leaving everything ready for the removal company to pick it up, put aside the belongings that you want or must carry by hand, such as the clothes you will use during the trip, your personal documents or some jewelry or items of value that consider that they should receive special attention during the transfer.

Tips after the international move

Communicates the change of residence: to relatives, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, as well as to the banking entities, institutions, companies or publications to which it was subscribed.

Supplies: When you arrive at a new address it is important to make the change in gas, electricity, water, telephone, internet, and cable TV contracts so that the accounts are in your name and avoid problems such as late payments.

Insurance: just like supplies, it is necessary to look for a new medical, car and home insurance to keep you and your family safe and supported.

Tips to survive during a move

Tips to survive during a move

It is said that a move is one of the most stressful experiences that exist. Packaging a whole house to move to a new home is a great logistical challenge.

But with a little organization and the help of professionals can be achieved without losing your nerves. We must bear in mind that a move also has an important emotional component: experiences and memories are left behind, a stage is closed to start another. The more planned the material part, the easier it will be to deal with managing the personal factor as well.

Ask for help

Rate what you can assume and what you should order. A move is not easy, but it is not the same when it comes to personal belongings rather than a large fully furnished house. Dismantling furniture and moving large appliances is not an easy task. Trust in professionals.

Plan ahead

In a move it is advisable not to improvise or leave decisions for the last minute. It is convenient to agree on the date with the company that has been chosen with the maximum advance. Keep in mind that the end and beginning of the month are usually days of high demand. Knowing in advance the chosen day allows you to also manage the parking permit, if necessary.

Take into account all the details

The moving company must know the exact amount and size of the equipment that needs to be moved. Ideally, they will make a prior visit in order to calculate the volume of the vehicle they need, the number of people and the hours planned to budget for the service. Also specify what you need: it is not the same to move only to pack and unpack all your things.

In addition, you must inform the company if there are any traffic restrictions in any of the two houses, whether it is a narrow or pedestrian street, whether there is an elevator or not, the width of the staircase and the conditions of accessibility to the home. Sometimes a movable crane will be necessary and you have to have it planned.

Before packaging, take the opportunity to choose what you need

The packaging can be ordered by the moving company, which have packaging of various sizes and even wardrobe boxes for clothes, but you can also do it on your own. The boxes are more recommended than the bags, and we must adapt the weight to the strength of the cardboard so that they do not break when moved. Do not forget to label the outside of the boxes, so it will be easier to know what area of ​​the new house should be placed. Before packaging is a good time to get rid of the objects that are no longer used and sell them, give them away or recycle them. Moving things that you no longer want does not make much sense.

Valuables should be with you

Personal documents, hard drives with important information, money and jewelry are best to carry yourself. Although you do not have to miss anything, it’s better to avoid risks. In the case of works of art, antiques and other large objects that must go in the moving truck, a specific insurance can be hired to cover them.

The day before the move

Turn off and empty appliances and all appliances that contain liquids or fluids that may spill: refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, dishwasher, coffee maker, fryer or humidifiers, for example. Rest well and take strength. Tomorrow is the day!

The day of the move

You can leave everything in the hands of the removal company, but it is advisable to be present at the time of loading and unloading to be able to make the appropriate indications. It is especially important to be able to specify where it is going in the new house, so they will leave each item in the corresponding room. If you have also contracted the unpacking, the company will take the empty boxes.

Avoid unnecessary risks

Keep in mind that a move has many costs: the vehicle, packaging materials, workers’ wages and corresponding taxes. Make sure that the company you have hired complies with current legislation, has hired workers and bills correctly. If a problem arises during the move, such as an accident at work or the disappearance of an object of value, the situation can become very unpleasant if the company is not in order and shirks its responsibility.

10 tips to make moving with children easier

10 tips to make moving with children easier

Moving is a great change in life that affects us all. Organizing and packing boxes, making important decisions … but what about your children?

A new home, a different room, a neighborhood that is not the usual one, are some of the things that most affect children, and that is why you have to pay them a lot of attention, to convert what for them is “a mess of the elderly “In an adventure for all.

This week we give you a hand with 10 tips to make moving with children easier.

First step:

  1. Communication. Once the decision to move has been made, it must be discussed with your children. Even if they are small, they find out everything! If they find out it from you, they will feel safe and will ask a thousand questions. Answer all of them with sincerity, they will understand.
  2. Keep calm. In a move there are always stress situations but you have to try to stay calm. If you are nervous, they will also be nervous and on the contrary, if you maintain a positive attitude they will also have it.
  3. Let them decide. A move is everyone’s business and at the time of making decisions you are all those who must participate. Let your children make their own decisions. How they want their room, if they like that color for the walls, if the furniture looks good here or there.
  4. Get to know the new area well. You must not forget that it is not only the home that changes. The area, the neighborhood, and the neighbors also change and it’s good to know what’s new before moving. Find out about businesses, parks and all possible activities in your new area.
  5. If possible, take the children to know the area before the move. This will help them to become familiar and to be a little more prepared when the big day arrives.
  6. Let the children lend a hand in the move. Let them prepare their own boxes, label them and undo them when the time comes.
  7. Let them even participate in the decoration. Giving a colored slash to one of the walls will make the house a little more yours.
  8. Once installed, keep the usual routines. You have changed many things but the routines do not have to change. Meal times, dinners, going to bed … Keep these customs and the change will not be so abrupt.
  9. Help them adapt. Enroll them in activities in the new neighborhood and accompany them to make new friends. Sometimes a small push is enough!
  10. Keep communicating. The communication should not be only during the move. In spite of being all done and ready, do not forget to ask them how they are in their new home.