**To ensure the health and safety of the Governor’s office, we regret to inform you that we are unable to fulfill ceremonial document requests until further notice. Thank you for your patience and understanding.**

A commendation recognizes an individual, organization, or specific event, and serves in the same way as a proclamation. It is in no way a lesser recognition from the Governor. It is merely a distinction between recognizing causes and individuals.

The following are guidelines the State of Georgia uses to issue commendations:

  1. A Georgia resident must make the request at least 45 days in advance. In order for this request to be met within that time period, we must have all information provided for us.
  2. All commendations require a legislative referral. We require this as a way of helping to keep legislators informed about special individuals, organizations, or specific events in their districts that may also merit their recognition. Please contact your local legislator (State Representative or State Senator) and let them know that you are submitting the request.
  3. All requests should include your name, address and telephone number as well as background about your organization.
  4. Family reunions are recognized with greetings letters. Request a greetings letter.
  5. Please send proposed text for your request, including four to six “Whereas” clauses if appropriate.
  6. If the request is being made on behalf of an organization, please make sure that the organization is compliant with state laws and rules for registration. 

Example Commendation

WHEREAS: Mr. John A. Doe is a proud citizen who has diligently served the State of Georgia throughout his career. Mr. Doe is retiring from Main Street Advertising in September 2017, after 45 years of professional experience and extensive service for the state government and those in need; and

WHEREAS: Mr. Doe has devoted his time and talent to multiple establishments throughout the community, including the Main Street Academy and Main Street Community Center, where he serves as a mentor to high school students; and

WHEREAS: Mr. Doe has volunteered and provided encouragement and assistance to those diagnosed with serious diseases. Through his charitable organization, Illness Prevention International, Doe raised funds for multiple hospitals in the Metro Atlanta area, especially focusing on patients experiencing severe financial burdens; and

WHEREAS: Mr. Doe has established himself as a leader for Fulton County, and it is an honor to recognize him for his efforts and contributions to our state; now

THEREFORE: I, BRIAN KEMP, Governor of the State of Georgia, do hereby commend John A. Doe. 

Complete a Commendation Request