McGowan says there were NO NEW CASES of Covid-19 overnight, either locally-acquired or in quarantine. There were 3,171 tests done yesterday Normally only about 500 (!!) on a Sunday, so it's an increase.
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66 close contacts identified, and 11 high risk contacts are i managed isolation.
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Wow, breaks pumped on FIFO workers. "We have communicated with all companies that no one should be leaving Perth, Peel of the south-west regions to fly to a mine site this week with some limited exemptions, especially for specialist required to keep a mine operating."
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This is extremely sensible - Pilbara/Gascoyne/Kalgoorlie etc are areas with highly vulnerable populations.
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McGowan announces a review of the hotel quarantine breach, and an investigation by WA police.
20:02 - 31. Jan. 2021
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