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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jan. 11.

    Open Knowledge Foundation is looking for a new leader to spread the global message of openness and help us in our mission to create a fair, free and open future. Could this be you? Apply before the end of January 2021:

  2. 12 órával ezelőtt
  3. 14 órával ezelőtt

    💥Our latest blog post by is online. Check it out to learn more about -collaboration, a great tool that helps managers and document data packages

  4. 13 órával ezelőtt

    ., director of Open Knowledge Justice Programme, will appear at next week on panel to discuss "Student Privacy at Risk Under COVID-19 - Online Test Proctoring Brings AI and Surveillance Into Students' Homes"

  5. 17 órával ezelőtt

    Are you a user of our tools or Python data library? We would love to get feedback on our documentation from you For each feedback session, you will receive £50 for your time 💰 Interested? Fill out this form

  6. 22 órával ezelőtt

    Help needed: can you translate into any of the following languages? Austrian German Dutch French German Italian Japanese Nepali Portuguese Russian Spanish Taiwanese Submit your translations via

  7. jan. 14.

    Don't miss the 8th Conference! This year the focus is on crisis & science communication. Speakers include from , Vanessa Proudman from & Lilly Winfree () from . More information & to register 👇

  8. jan. 18.

    3月6日(土)の に向けて、ミニグラント(補助金)のお知らせです。

  9. 22 órával ezelőtt

    Help needed: can you translate into any of the following languages? Austrian German Dutch French German Italian Japanese Nepali Portuguese Russian Spanish Taiwanese Submit your translations via

  10. jan. 17.

    Save the date: csv,conf,v6 will be held online on 4-5 May 2021 is a data conference about what CSV represents: data interoperability, hackability, simplicity Submit your talk proposals by 28 February 2021

  11. jan. 12.

    The data from recorded in 2010 and 2011 from lead–lead collisions at the Large Hadron Collider have been released into the public domain for the first time.

  12. jan. 15.
  13. jan. 14.

    🗂️🧮Wir suchen eine*n studentische*r Mitarbeiter*in für Finanzadministration (m/w/d), bis zu 19h/Woche, Beginn ab sofort bis 1. März, im Team von Jugend hackt bei der in Berlin. Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung bis zum 8. Februar!🦙🦙🦙

  14. jan. 15.

    Celebra el Día de los 2021 el sábado 6 de marzo, en tu comunidad o en línea, con el apoyo de una mini-subvención de $300 USD. Más info en Aplica antes de las 12pm GMT del viernes 5 de febrero

  15. jan. 15.

    Call for users of We would love to get feedback on our documentation from you! 1 feedback session = £50💰 👉 Interested? Then fill out this form: Thanks for your help!

  16. jan. 15.

    Celebrate on Saturday 6th March 2021 in your community or online with the help of a $300 USD mini-grant. Find out more Apply by 12pm GMT on Friday 5th February

    Launch of the Open Data Day 2021 mini-grant scheme. Visit for more information
    , , és 3 másik felhasználó
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  17. jan. 14.

    super excited about this project! We are working on improving the Frictionless docs over the next 3 months & will be running several paid user group feedback sessions! More details in the linked blog below 👇

  18. jan. 15.

    Our office hour is happening now on our Discord chat! Do you have questions about using or a story from this week's work that you would like to share? Come join us!

  19. jan. 14.

    We will improve our existing documentation and add new feats on to create a better user experience for all. Read our blog to know more about this great project: 🙏 A huge thanks to for making this possible!

  20. jan. 15.

    And if you’re planning an event in your city or an online event, make sure to register it via so everyone can see all the celebrations around the world

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  21. jan. 15.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése

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