
A website of outlines of scholarly works and some of my own exploratory ventures as a companion to posts on my Vridar blog.


Archaeology of Palestine and Old Testament Origins

Hermann Detering, Review of Did Jesus Exist? by Bart Ehrman

Thomas L. Brodie: The New Testament's Dependence On the Old -- Illustrated

Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Peter

Gospels of Mark and Peter

Josephus and Christian origins

Justin Martyr on Christian origins

Paul and Christian origins

"The Creation of Christ: An Outline of the Beginnings of Christianity" by P. L. Couchoud

The full text of both volumes of "The Creation of Christ: An Outline of the Beginnings of Christianity" by P. L. Couchoud is now available as PDF files:

Summary outlines of each chapter of Couchoud's Creation of Christ are available at the VRIDAR blog. To see the table of contents of Creation of Christ with links to those chapter by chapter Vridar notes go to:
