Top 5 Highly Sold Apple Apps

Apple is one of the most celebrated companies today. Recently, the Apple store reached its much anticipated twenty five billionth download milestone. In other words, over twenty billion downloads have been made from this store. Apple then decided to produce …

The 7 Things Needed BEFORE You Use WordPress

One of the main reasons that people want to learn about WordPress is to manage their own site so that they can make money online. Since 2008, the economy has really hit people hard and finding alternate sources of income …

Social Bookmarking for Easy and Powerful Links

Once you have built or started to build your website and have used the on-page optimization techniques from this guide you are ready to get your website listed in the search engines and to start your climb in the search …

3 Simple Tips for Setting Up Google Cloud Messaging for Android

Google Cloud Messaging is one of the best cloud based services available today for Google’s open source platform, Android. It was first unveiled on June 27, 2012 but it was this year’s I/O Conference which revealed the massive potential of …

What Do Slavery and Debt Mean To You?

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I’m curious what you think of when you hear the term slavery. I believe many of us in today’s society are slaves without realizing …

AOL Media Empire Faces Challenges

Does the addition of the Huffington Post to AOL now spell troubled days ahead? The purchase of the Huffington Post by AOL has now been officially completed to create a new media empire for AOL. With a steep price tag, …

Why an Ubuntu Tablet Won’t Sell

Note: Mark Shuttleworth clarified that Canonical is not working on a tablet edition, but rather other companies are developing Ubuntu-based tablets. Canonical recently announced that they are developing a tablet version of their popular Ubuntu operating system, slated to be …