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At Reddit, you’ll help build something that encourages millions around the world to think more, do more, learn more, feel more– and maybe even laugh more.

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What Would Snoo Do?

Values describe who we are and who we want to be.


Only by continually improving and learning will we succeed.

Make Something People Love

Our surest path to success is to make something people love.

Work Hard

Nothing important is easy, and what we are working on is incredibly important. Each and every Snoo will have to give their best if Reddit is going to get to the next level.

Default Open

The free flow of ideas and feedback is the lifeblood of a healthy organization, and Reddit must embrace it if we are to thrive.

Reddit's Mission First

It's important to remember that we're in this together with one shared goal above all others.

Employee Perks

At Reddit, you’ll help build something that encourages millions around the world to think more, do more, learn more, feel more—and maybe even laugh more.

Employer-paid health benefits
Free meals
Unlimited vacation days
4 months parental leave, plus up to 4 months disability leave for delivering mothers
Education and pet care stipends
Childcare support, and much more
Reddit is always fun, often awkward, sometimes profound. Sort of like an episode of The Office. Henry Lin Senior Engineering Manager
Reddit communities reflect how varied, sprawling and ever-changing we are as a society, and as people. I love that you can indulge your interests in weird cat memes as equally as your political, news-minded or sci-fi curiosities. Leigh Ann Benicewicz Senior Communications Manager II

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