
Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yep! It's super nasty stuff. Prolonged exposure can lead to all sorts of issues like silicosis. Stay safe out there!

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm so jealous of you right now! Unfortunately I never got to see them as I was too young. Dime's death is what actually got me into metal. The day after he died my friend at school was visible upset and when I asked what was wrong he told me a musician he liked died. I figured if he was this sad about it they must be really good so asked if he would give me a cd so I could check dime out. He gave me a copy of Cowboys from Hell and from the moment I hit play I was instantly hooked. Forever changed my life.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm so jealous of you right now! Unfortunately I never got to see them as I was too young. Dime's death is what actually got me into metal. The day after he died my friend at school was visible upset and when I asked what was wrong he told me a musician he liked died. I figured if he was this sad about it they must be really good so asked if he would give me a cd so I could check dime out. He gave me a copy of Cowboys from Hell and from the moment I hit play I was instantly hooked. Forever changed my life. RIP Dime

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I know how you feel. I have an incredibly short attention span. I hate videos that drag on and on so I try to make my videos to be as concise and entertaining as possible.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah this is some nasty stuff. Exposure over a long period of time can cause some serious issues. Stay safe out there.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I tend to be overly cautious when it comes to safety. Sometimes it can be overkill, but the way I see it is, if it protects me why not over do it.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Thank you so much! I truly appreciate the support. I hope you find some of my other videos just as fun/ helpful.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you so much! My goal was to make this as beginner friendly as possible. I tried using common inexpensive tools where possible or ones that can easily switched out for their less expensive counterparts. For example instead of using a band saw an inexpensive jigsaw would work just as well.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Exactly! I built this thing with junk I already had laying around. Apart from the dust port which cost about $5 everything else was essentially free. For comparison a replacement set of filters for my respirator are about $40 for a pair, which only have a limited life span.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I want this to be accessible to everyone. If this can help prevent someone from getting silicosis or any other respiratory illness caused by dust then that is good enough for me.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Nice! I've never really had much luck when it comes to tools on the craigslist free tab. The best thing I ever got were some sweet trading card tins that I use for storing random bits and bobs.

Saw dust exposure can be very harmful. With that in mind I designed and built a super beginner friendly DIY dust collecting downdraft table by XYZCreate in DIY

[–]XYZCreate[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It reeks havoc your respiratory system. Prolonged exposure can lead to a multitude of problems like silicosis. Real nasty stuff!