
Showing posts with the label Asia

Islanders Against Militarism

Given recent developments in North Korea, new missile systems out of China and the Trump administration trying to both disengage from the world militarily and bomb the hell out of it, I would love to see an update of this article, which is from 2015. The resistance continues, scattered across many islands. ******************* Islander Unite to Resist a New Pacific War by Koohan Paik Common Dreams November 4, 2015 Last September, I attended a remarkable gathering in Okinawa of impassioned young people from all over the Asia-Pacific. They convened at a critical moment to urgently discuss ramped-up militarism in their region. Thousands of hectares of exquisitely wild marine environments, peaceful communities and local democracy are now under extreme threat. Participants hailed from: Taiwan; Jeju (South Korea); the Japanese Ryukyu islands; Indonesia; New Zealand; and the Japanese Ogasawara islands. I was invited to represent Hawaii, where the headquarters for t

Lina'la' GaiCasino

Ngai'an na para u mababa i nuebu na casino giya Saipan? Hu taitaitai este na attikulu siha, lao ti siguro yu'. PÃ¥'go na mes hun? Guaguaha ha' inetnon giya GuÃ¥han. I na'Ã¥n-ña "Lina'la' Sin Casino." Sa' mandanña' siha para u kontra i binaban un casino giya GuÃ¥han. Lao ti apmam para u tutuhon i tiempon Lina'la' GaiCasino giya Saipan. Ta li'e' kao maolek probecho este na hinatsa. ************************  Saipan casino set for March opening amid investor fears by Daniel Beitler Macau Daily Times March 3, 2017 T he USD600 million Imperial Pacific casino-hotel in Saipan is scheduled to open by the end of the month, though the company responsible for operating it, Best Sunshine International, has analysts and investors concerned over the accuracy of reported revenue from its temporary casino, which it claims measures in the billions. Last year the company report

Between Chinese and Japanese

October 2, 2014 12:00 am JST Yamaguchi dies at 94 YASUNOBU NOSE, Nikkei senior staff writer Yoshiko Yamaguchi © Kyodo TOKYO -- Wartime actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi, who later served 18 years in the upper house of the Japanese Diet, died of heart failure at her home in Tokyo on Sept. 7, her family announced. She was 94.      She grew up in Japan-occupied Manchuria, which is now northeast China, and debuted under the Chinese screen name of Li Hsianglan (Ri Koran in Japanese) in 1938 as a member of the Manchuria Film Association. She broke out in Japan with the 1940 film "Shina no Yoru" ("China Nights"), starring opposite Kazuo Hasegawa. The song "Soshu Yakyoku" ("Suzhou Serenade"), which she sang in the film, also became a big hit.      When she held a concert in Tokyo in 1941, th

Vacation in North Korea?

Sesso mangguife yu' put North Korea. Ti parehu este na klasin guinife yan i guinife-hu siha put i otro tano' taiguhi iya Okinawa yan iya Pagan. Para ayu na tano' siha yan ayu na guinife siha, hu guiguife siha put i ginefpago yan taimanu na debi di ta prutehi ayu na lugat kontra fina'militat. Gi i guinife-hu siha hu keketachuyi pat ayuda i taotao guihi gi un mimo ni chumilong yan iyo-ku pat iyo-ta guini giya Guahan. Lao sahnge i guinife-hu put North Korea. Gi i guinife-hu siha kalang puma'ya'ya gi hilo' i tano'. Hu ripapara todu gi oriya-hu, lao ti hu gogof komprende hafa hu li'e'e'. Tano' estrana este. Na'aburidu este na tano', ya gi guinife-hu siha ti hu hulat muna'klaru hafa este na lugat. Sumasaga' yu' giya Guahan. Fihu hiningok-hu put North Korea, lao sesso nina'manman yu' ni taimanu to gof chumilong i tiningo'-hu put Guiya yan i hiningok-hu put Guiya. Kada simana, kalang kada diha hu hungok

North Korea Missile Tests

North Korea Rocket Launch: Long-Range Missile Fired, South Korean Defense Ministry Confirms By Jack Kim and Mayumi Negishi SEOUL/TOKYO, Dec 12 (Reuters) - North Korea successfully launched a rocket on Wednesday, boosting the credentials of its new leader and stepping up the threat the isolated and impoverished state poses to its opponents. The rocket, which North Korea says put a weather satellite into orbit, has been labelled by the United States, South Korea and Japan as a test of technology that could one day deliver a nuclear warhead capable of hitting targets as far as the continental United States. "The satellite has entered the planned orbit," a North Korean television news-reader clad in traditional Korean garb triumphantly announced, after which the station played patriotic songs with the lyrics "Chosun (Korea) does what it says". The rocket was launched just before 10 a.m. K

A Proud Member of the Amnesia Industry

A few weeks ago I was taking one of my English classes on a short tour around the historic central area of Hagatna. We walked from Angel Santos Memorial Latte Stone Park, through the Plaza de Espana and finally to Skinner Plaza. The point was for students to see the ways in which history is layered upon itself. You can see this in the way the Spanish part of Hagatna is also filled with American history in the way the American came to occupy the same colonial place, even to the point of remaking the primary buildings, such as the palace, in small ways to make it fit their tastes or their mission in Guam. But beneath all of that there is also the history prior to colonialism. It still emerges in so many ways, most of which swing between being overly visible to barely perceptible. Angel Santos Memorial Latte Stone Park is one such place. As both the Plaza de Espana and Skinner's Plaza seem to exist to glorify the colonizers of Guam, the Park seems to attempt to signify something els

Clash of the Cricket Titans

Gi painge manegga' yu' huegon cricket gi entre India yan Pakistan. Gi i halacha na estoria, fihu umakontra este na dos nasion yan sesso lokkue' manakontra i taotaogues este na dos. Guaha na biahi na manggera este na dos. Ya este na klasin gera ti gaige ha' gi i fanhuegoyan ha'. Guaha nai manggera sih yan bomba yan paki. Gaige gi entre este na dos na nasion, un gos na'piniti na estoria. Estaba kada na umafana' este na dos, bula piligro. Sina guaha hinatme pat biolensia. Ya mientras manmumu i taotao gi i fanhuegoyan komo huego, sina manmumu i mane'egga' komo magahet na mimu. Mas ki un biyon na taotao giya Asia ma nanagga para i umafana' esta na dos. Gi todu i mundo, i inacha'igin este na dos i mas malago, i mas ma egga'. Put ayu na gi este na World Cup pa'go, annai umasodda' este na dos gi i Semi-Finals, sina ma alok na este na huego sina ha na'ketu un "continent." Gof maolek i huego gi painge. Ma sangan na i &