Showing posts with label Tre Arrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tre Arrow. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

Radio Interview with Tre Arrow

April 26, 2011 by dj Questionmark

Download at: (50 mb) 56

Interview with environmental activist and former international political
prisoner Tre Arrow. Tre talks about his current activities in Portland and
his past efforts to preserve forest eco-systems. He recounts his
participation in the Eagle Creek and Tillimook forest campaigns. Tre
became well known for standing on the ledge of the US forest Service
building in downtown Portland for 11 days. He then ran for congress for
the Green Party and got over 15,000 votes.

Tre became a suspect for the Ross Island Sand and Gravel arson after his
co-defendant bragged to his girlfriend, who told her dad, who told the
FBI. While a fugitive on the FBI's most wanted list, Tre crossed Canada
and was arrested in Vancouver. Tre fought his extradition and lack of raw
vegan food in jail with a series of hunger strikes. His weight dropped to
around 80 pounds at one point.

Tre served his prison time and is currently on parole. He remains
committed to social and ecological justice.