Showing posts with label Toronto Anarchist Black Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toronto Anarchist Black Cross. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Support for Political Prisoners

Sunday, March 20 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Artillery Park, Room A
76 Ordnance Street
Kingston, ON

More Info
End the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC) Presents: Support for Political Prisoners

1:00pm - 4:00pm. Sunday, March 20th
Room A, Artillery Park, 76 Ordinance St.

...Free Snacks and Refreshments! Donations Accepted.

A Panel and Conversation with Sara Falconer (Toronto Anarchist Black Cross) and
Matthew Morgan-Brown (Ottawa Movement Defense), about prisoner support within the
context of local and regional arrests and political repression related to the g20,
prison farms, etc. The event will also feature Matthew Morgan Brown's experience of
arrest and a discussion about how we can support Roger Clement who recently received
a 3 and a half year sentence after pleading guilty to arson of an RBC branch in
Ottawa in May 2010.

For more information, check-out:

Toronto Anarchist Black Cross:

Interview with Matthew Morgan Brown:

Ottawa Movement Defense:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Toronto ABC letter night for Ottawa Movement Defense and G20 defendants

Sunday, January 30 · 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Beit Zatoun (Bathurst Station)
612 Markham St.
Toronto, ON

Created By

More Info
Join Toronto Anarchist Black Cross for a night of inspirational discussion and
prisoner support.

Matthew Morgan-Brown of Ottawa Movement Defense will share his experience of arrest,
and explain how we can support Roger Clement, who was recently sentenced to 3.5
years after pleading guilty to arson at an RBC branch in May.

Revolutionary rapper Testament will speak about his arrest in the days leading up
the the G8/G20 summit in Toronto, and the need to support the remaining G20

We'll provide everything you need to get started - including a delicious vegetarian
dinner courtesy of Food Not Bombs. Please RSVP so that we can be sure to have enough

Hope to see you soon!
Toronto ABC

Toronto ABC letter night for Ottawa Movement Defense and G20 defendants

Sunday, January 30 · 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Beit Zatoun (Bathurst Station)
612 Markham St.
Toronto, ON

Created By

More Info
Join Toronto Anarchist Black Cross for a night of inspirational discussion and
prisoner support.

Matthew Morgan-Brown of Ottawa Movement Defense will share his experience of arrest,
and explain how we can support Roger Clement, who was recently sentenced to 3.5
years after pleading guilty to arson at an RBC branch in May.

Revolutionary rapper Testament will speak about his arrest in the days leading up
the the G8/G20 summit in Toronto, and the need to support the remaining G20

We'll provide everything you need to get started - including a delicious vegetarian
dinner courtesy of Food Not Bombs. Please RSVP so that we can be sure to have enough

Hope to see you soon!
Toronto ABC


On the life, work, art & thought of revolutionary prisoner Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson,
Minister of Defense, New Afrikan Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter


Saturday, January 29


Thursday, January 27 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Beit Zatoun
612 Markham St. (Bathurst / Bloor)
Toronto, ON

7pm - Speakers and Discussion
9pm - After party with hip-hop show

...Wasun performing tracks from his new album PRISON NOTEBOOKS
w/ DJ’ing from Revolutionary Love
$20: book, panel, hip-hop show, party
$5: panel, hip-hop show, party


Dr. Chris Harris (a.k.a. Wasun) - Discussing the history of the Black Panther Party
and communist politics in the black working class in U.S. and Canada.

Sara Falconer - Introducing Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson and the dire situation he’s
facing at Red Onion State Supermax Prison, Virginia.

Steve da Silva - Introducing Defying the Tomb, the thought of Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson
and the ideology of the NABPP.

Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johson: From a gangster to prison house lawyer to revolutionary
artist, theorist, and leader in the New Afrikan Black Panther Party - Prison Chapter
(NABPP-PC) for the past five years Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson has been advocating for
and rebuilding the United Panther Movement in the spirit of the original Black
Panther Party, which was an internationalist, anti-imperialist, and communist
organization. The NABPP sees its role as organizing the black proletarian masses and
urban poor, alongside other oppressed nationalities and proletarians in Amerika. The
Prison Chapter sees its role as creating the nucleus of the United Panther Movement,
and turning Amerika’s concentration camps into schools of liberation.

Dr. Chris Harris, a.k.a. Wasun is a long-time community organizer, a former member
of the Black Action Defense Committee, a leading revolutionary rapper in Toronto,
and has just attained his PhD from OISE on the topic of the history of communist
politics in the African-Canadian working class.

Sara Falconer is a Toronto-based journalist and social media specialist. She is part
of the collective that produces the Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners
Calendar ( As a member of the Toronto Anarchist Black Cross,
she helps produce, an online and print zine of writings and
analysis by and for political prisoners and their supporters.

Steve da Silva is the Education Officer of and a people’s journalist with BASICS
Community News Service as well as radio show host with the program Radio Basics at
CHRY 105.5 FM. Steve has been following, working with and popularizing Rising Sun
Press and the NABPP since discovering the work of Rashid two years ago.

Organizers: BASICS Community News Service, Anarchist Black Cross - Toronto