
Showing posts with the label Alternative

Why Matt Rector is My Friend on Facebook

Although I've spoken about it to some people, I haven't formally weighed in yet on the current Senator Matt Rector scandal (as opposed to all the others the media has attributed to him this year). I'm working on writing up my response to it, but with teaching, parenting and helping take care of my grandfather who was recently released from the hospital, I might not get to it for a few days. Nonetheless I am dying to respond, because the issues at stake in this scandal are not so much about Matt Rector himself, but about the politics and worldview he is pushing for and the reforming of Guam's economy that he is working to bring to Guam, that Guam should take seriously. Finally in reference to the title and the post I've pasted below, this is also an issue about alternative media, something Guam is desperately in need of. But I did want to say a few things though while I'm at my computer and my blogger account is open. If you scan over the news coverage of Senat

Adios GM

Makpo’ esta (put fin!) iyo-ku defense para iyo-ku dissertation. Siña dumeskÃ¥nsañaihon yu’ pÃ¥’go achokka’ bubula’ ha’ na debi di bai hu cho’gue para u na’funhÃ¥yan este na tinige’-ku. Lao put i makpo’ na defense-hu, para bai hu hagong mas fa’set yan mas tahdong gi este na simÃ¥na, antes di bai hu saonao i likao i manmagraduduha gi i mamamaila na SabÃ¥lu. Ya-hu este na ti apmÃ¥m na tiempon humahaggan, pi’ot sa’ siña hu buskabida gi i internet. Hu sodda’ este na tinige’ Michael Moore gi iyo-ña website. Guaha na kalang ti hongge’on i binanidosu i taotao yan kometsiante AmerikÃ¥nu siha. Todu i otro na manriku na nasion, dumiddidde dummiddidde ma na’latatakhilo i “fuel efficiency” para i karetan-ñiha. Lao atan i bidan i AmerikÃ¥nu siha? Kulang tÃ¥ya’. Ma diseha na i espiritun AmerikÃ¥nu yan i brinede i AmerikÃ¥nu na taotao para u ma’ok siha. Lao atan ha’, atan i hiniyong. Dos na mampos dongkÃ¥lu na kompaña AmerikÃ¥nu, pumoddong ya tumaisalÃ¥pe. Ti ma komprende i finayi este na sinangan, "planeha