Showing posts with label May Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May Day. Show all posts

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Charges Dropped Against May Day Protestor Maria Jannett Morales

Seattle Weekly

Maria Jannett Morales, 30, was charged with assault in the fourth degree, a felony, for an incident that occurred near the intersection of First Avenue and Pike Street a few minutes before 6 p.m. on May 1, just as the day's rioting was starting to simmer down.

According to a probable cause statement statement submitted to prosecutors by Seattle police, bike cop Sonya Fry was ordering a crowd to move back when Morales walked up, said "okay bitch," and punched the female officer in the chest with a closed fist. Morales then allegedly kicked another cop in the leg.

SPD's version of events was called into question by amateur video from the scene uploaded to YouTube. The footage seems to show Morales walking past Fry, obeying orders. Then, after a brief verbal exchange, Fry grabs Morales by the shoulders and hair and pulls her down.On August 17, the charge was abruptly dropped. Dan Donahoe, spokesman for the prosecutor's office, says the video was a factor.

"We reviewed video of the alleged incident and felt that we could no longer prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt so the charge was dismissed," Donohoe says.

Aaron Pelley, Morales' attorney, says prosecutors had no business filing charges in the first place.
"Maria didn't really hit that officer," Pelley says. "There's nothing in my mind that thinks somebody didn't yell at that officer, or she didn't feel somebody hit her. But as far as I can tell, it wasn't my client."

Morales has no criminal record aside from a few traffic tickets. Nevertheless, Pelley says she lost her job as an emergency room technician in Bellevue because of the arrest.

"I don't know that she comes out ahead on all of this," Pelley says. "But we're certainly glad the prosecutors looked at the evidence and decided to dismiss."

Morales is the second May Day protestor to have charges dismissed because of YouTube video. Joshua Garland was similarly cleared of wrongdoing on May 15.

Two others have pleaded guilty. Robert Ditrani pleaded guilty on June 22 to disorderly conduct. He was sentenced July 6 and received a 90-day suspended sentence and 12 months of probation. Paul Campiche pleaded guilty on August 22 to attempted assault in the third degree. He will be sentenced October 5.

See an extended cut of the YouTube video that shows Morales arrest, and court documents associated with her case on the following page.
Maria Morales Order of Dismissal
Maria Jannett Morales Charges
This post was updated Monday, August 27, at 1 p.m. The original version mistakenly reported that Morales was charged with third-degree assault, disorderly conduct, and rioting. Her charge was actually fourth-degree assault.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Court documents detail searches for May Day riot suspects

Sunday, August 12, 2012 Seattle PI
  • Police say the man on the right vandalizing Niketown in a pair of Nike shoes has been identified as a 27-year-old Seattle man. Investigators, who were tipped by two people who provided his name and address, say they have clear evidence of him causing damage in downtown Seattle on May Day. But his case has not been forwarded to prosecutors. Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said Aug. 9 it's still an active investigation. does not typically name suspects until they're charged. Photo: JOSHUA TRUJILLO / SEATTLEPI.COM
    Police say the man on the right vandalizing Niketown in a pair of Nike shoes has been identified as a 27-year-old Seattle man. Investigators, who were tipped by two people who provided his name and address, say they have clear evidence of him causing damage in downtown Seattle on May Day. But his case has not been forwarded to prosecutors. Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said Aug. 9 it's still an active investigation. does not typically name suspects until they're charged.

A bandana, a pair of Nikes, a sex offender's chat with his corrections officer and tips from the public.
All have led police to narrow the search for those they say are responsible for the Seattle May Day violence.

Recently released police reports detail the investigation thus far. The detectives' statements also show just the cost of the May 1 riot.

Niketown repairs totaled $52,825.74; the Wells Fargo bank at Fourth Avenue and Seneca Street had at least $25,978.13 in damage and a Verizon Wireless store had $1,905.30 in damage.

Several other businesses, including American Apparel, Home Street Bank and Bank of America had thousands of dollars in damage. Damage to city property and the old federal courthouse also cost tens of thousands of  dollars.

Police say one suspect was identified after her sex offender boyfriend admitted to his corrections officer he was at the protest.

Investigators said the pair was photographed during the demonstration, though prosecutors have yet to charge either. Because the sex offender acknowledged being at the protest as a street medic and because he had red paint spatter on his clothing, "it is reasonable to believe he was either present or involved with the property damage," a detective wrote in a search warrant affidavit.

An initial search of their bedroom turned up a bandana and backpack matching the description of the one worn by the girlfriend during the May Day riot, according the recently released search documents. A bandana and backpack were among items taken later that day after Seattle police received the warrant.

A separate suspect who had his residence searched weeks later – a man who allegedly wore Nikes while shattering a Niketown window – was identified after two people who knew details about him called police on the May Day tip line, according to the recently released public documents.
With that information, investigators say they verified his address from previous contacts with the suspect.

During a search of his residence, police say they confiscated a pair of Nikes they suspect the 27-year-old man wore while damaging the downtown Seattle Niketown. It was one of at least three searches in Seattle related to the May Day investigation.

Though some of the May Day vandalism suspects have been charged in federal court King County Superior Court, none of the suspects affiliated with three recent searches have had their cases forwarded to prosecutors.

"This is still very much an active and ongoing investigation," Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said Thursday, noting there are additional suspects police are investigating. "Our task force with several detectives is still in place and we are working diligently to identify all those responsible for crimes during May Day and hold them responsible."

The first of the three known Seattle police searches was May 24 at the sex offender's Shoreline home, where his girlfriend also was. The second search was June 15 in Ballard at the Niketown suspect's residence, and the third was July 10 at the Judkins Park rental home of at least one other suspect.
While some details of those searches have been reported, several details of what exactly led police to those homes and how specifically they gained authorization for the searches have not been.

Corrections officer helped identify suspect

During the first search on May 24, police were looking for clothing and clear plastic goggles they think the registered sex offender wore during the May Day violence.

That man pleaded guilty to communications with a minor for immoral purposes in September.
Investigators say footage reviewed by the May Day Task Force shows his girlfriend throwing a projectile at police, which hits an officer in the head before deflecting onto the head of another officer.

Law enforcement officers familiar with the sex offender's case recognized that 21-year-old woman, police documents show.

The man's corrections officer reported searching a bedroom dresser and finding a black bandana that appeared to be the one worn by the woman during the officer attack. A backpack the girlfriend also wore that day was also inside the home, according to police.

Detectives took their case to a Superior Court judge who reviewed police statements and photos of both the sex offender and his girlfriend allegedly at the May Day protest before authorizing the search. Police seized a black jacket, a backpack, black pants with red paint, two pair of goggles, two bandanas and a green sweatshirt.

Police: Vandalism suspect wore Nikes at Niketown

The 27-year-old man who police say wore a pair of Nike's while vandalizing Niketown was known to officers for multiple previous contacts, according to investigation documents.

On July 12, 2011, he was suspected of shoplifting from a Ballard 7-Eleven, but was never charged. The following September, the man was a passenger in a young woman's BMW when it was involved in a Magnolia crash.

The third incident was Oct. 16 when police say the man, who was with other Occupy Seattle protestors at Westlake Park, shoved an officer in the chest and fled. He also was not charged in that incident.

But investigation documents show two people spoke to Seattle police on the May Day tip line, giving the man's name and details about his home.

Investigators say video shows the suspect, who wore a purple undershirt and black jeans, running from the crowd to damage a Niketown window. They also report having footage of him jumping on the rear window of a car during the riot, frightening the driver.

"Multiple photographs of (the suspect) were obtained using various databases/sources and after reviewing the images I can say with certainty (he) is the subject seen in the video and still images located by the May Day task force damaging property throughout the downtown shopping district of Seattle," Detective Wes Friesen wrote in an investigation document.

Detectives say he also was seen striking a Bank of America window with a garbage can lid. The suspect failed to break that window, but another person spray painted an anarchist symbol on the bank. Later footage shows the Nike-clad suspect shattering a window at the Verizon Wireless store near Sixth Avenue and Olive Way, police say.

A King County Superior Court judge approved a search of his three-bedroom Ballard home.
Police seized a purple shirt form his bedroom, black jeans, two purple scarves, alleged anarchist solidarity paperwork, a backpack, two belts, a notebook, a Washington driver's license and an envelope with the suspect's address.

Police say they also took the pair of black Nike's with red spots he's suspected of wearing while vandalizing Niketown.

Third search

During the May Day riots, the third suspect who had his home searched kicked an officer in the way "that someone would do when trying to blow out a knee," Friesen wrote in an investigation document. The 23-year-old man allegedly kicked the officer as his attention was directed to a hostile crowd and investigators believe it was done to cause significant injury.

"There are multiple images of (the suspect) throughout the day's events on 05-01-2012 attempting to change/alter his identity by using different variations of his clothing," Friesen wrote. "It should be noted that multiple detectives reviewed a very large quantity of footage and at no time was any other subject seen wearing the unique clothing that (the suspect) was seen wearing."

That 23-year-old is believed to have fled from American Apparel wearing black goggles, police said.
Police authorized surveillance from outside the suspect's home in Judkins Park more than two weeks before their June search.

Investigation documents show the items seized during the July 10 search were: black goggles, a black sweatshirt with white strings, a pink scarf, a notebook, a black bandana, a back stocking hat, paperwork about anarchists in the occupy movement, a black glove and paperwork about a strike on May 1.

A blog report about the search by The Dissenter said the sweatshirt belonged to the suspect's girlfriend and a pamphlet taken was something that could have been picked up at any Occupy action. That blog also reported a pair of sunglasses was taken, but that is not listed in the search warrant return, which is a public document.

The Stranger spoke to one of the men at the Judkins Park residence when it was searched, and the search warrant return shows four people were present that day. Read the Stranger account here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

An Open Letter From May Day Anarchist Prisoners in Turkey to the Public

May 28, 2012 Infoshop News

As known, there had been attack to some banks and companies which are
around the MecidiyekÃy-ÅiÅli by some anarchists who are within the
Anarchist block on 1st of May 2012. We, as 9 of the 60 people who had been
taken to the custody with the blames of the Police Department. We, as 9
anarchist prisoners whom were arrested by the decision of the 9th Criminal
Court and had been put in to the Metris - Type T prison writing this

Most of us got under custody by the Counter-Terror Squads on 14th of may,
5 a.m. in the morning, and some on the following day. Our computers,
telephones, flash drives, books and many other personal stuffs' got seized
by the the police which were around 10-20 who came to our home. The claim
that have been by the police department to us was the "damaging public
property in the name of terror organization".

While, The individuals which have the pretty much different points of the
anarchist ideas and also who have seen the first time each other while
under surveillance were blaming for creating terrorist organisation, and
some of them was forced to make them agree on being the leader of the
terrorist organisation by the police during the interrogating.

Even though the leadership is totally contradictory to the anarchist idea
and thus is impossible that was the the claim by the police which is
tragic-comic imprudence, and also with that claim which is "being member
of the same terror organisation" makes things more comic. The people which
are claimed by the police of being a member of the terrorist organisation
had no arms or amuniton in their home. However, the books which can be
find on the every bookstore -for example books of the writers like
Kropotkin- had been claimed as an organisational documention on the
interrogation by the police. The articles which they had read and the
videos that they shared on social media were claimed as evidences to the
court by the police.

The membership of the people to a legal association which is working on
animal liberation, human rights and ecology issues also claimed as an
evidence by the police. All the pyschological pressures used over the
people who were under custody for 4 days and were not allowed to see their
family members, also were not allowed to call anyone -even their lawyers.
On of our LGBT friend had been attacked by "hate speeches". All the people
forced to agree the existence of the terrorist organisation and also
forced to give the fake speeches about the other people. However two
people who had been scared by the threats of 15-20 years of prison
sentence beacuse of the membership on the terrorist organisation declared
misstatements about the people that they never know anything about.

By the pressure of the police, they have blamed some people which the
police had no evidence over telephone, internet or any other communication
with each other, as leader of the organisation, and "identified" them as
attackers. Most of our friends got arrested just because of they have the
close model and coloured bag, shoes, belt etc. as millions of people can
have the same close type of with the people who are video taped on the
attack. Of course it is not proved that an anarchist terror rganisation
exists with that lacking and irrational evidences. Because of that we got
blamed by damage to the public property. We want to clear out that, we, as
anarchists who reject all the laws and authories and see all the states as
murderers, we don't care that if the state tells us we are terrorists or
not. We don't care that the state's mass killing of tens of people in
"Roboski", killing 11 year old UÄur Kaymaz with 13 bullets and giving no
punishment for that ones, than judging us. The state that had killed 34
people in 1977, did not even take any people to the custody. But had no
problem for taking 60 people to the custody and arresting 9 of them for
just 3-5 broken bank windows.

Two of the arrested friends couldn't enter the final exams on their
university, there's a possibility of that there can be an investigation by
their universities and they can get a punishment of suspension or
dismission. One of our friends is preparing for the general exam for the
entrance of the university, it's pretty clear that it's not possible to
study enough on the prison. One of friend who is studying M.A/M.S on
university would not continue on the thesis of very own. We got news that
3 friend got sacked after they got arrested. Since we're taken to the
custody we've experienced the legal system which the states always tells
what great it is, actually is no more than a pressure and normalizing tool
and notions like justice, right is just on the theory. We want to be out
now. But let us explain that neither we ask to anyone nor we beg to
anyone. We know that we're in prison just because of our policial ideas.
Because of that, we are not regretfull for the anything we did or we did
not. The reason is for writing that letter is just telling truths to the
public to know and to help them to learn what is going on.

We know the purpose of the ones who arrested us, is not just fearing us
for joining an action, they also like to turn us into the ones who are
scared of to resist for their very own rights. But the thing that they do
not know is that the prisons of their disgusting civilization will not be
able to suppress our ideas and we feel stronger than ever before.

We see all the anarchists in the world as our fellows and sending our
greetings, loves and solidarity call to all the insurrectionarists of the
world who has freedom fire on their hearts and who are from Athens, Amed,
Chiapas, Gazze, Toronto or Seattle... Let you know that you are not alone
and there are people in that lands who is struggling too. We thank every
one of them, for the solidarity and for the actions that support us. It's
not possible to define our feelings for to describe the local anarchists
who are supporting and made actions for us, as the rest of the world,
-these pages are very limited for our thank to them. We hug them all with
our very dearly greetings. Let them know that we know that they are with
us, and we are never feeling alone, even a moment. With wishes of us for
many long days with insurrection and solidarity.

Anarchist Prisoners:

Beyhan ÃaÄrÄ TuzcuoÄlu
Burak Ercan
Emirhan Yavuz
Murat GÃmÃÅkaya
OÄuz Topal
Sinan GÃmÃÅ
Ãnal Can TÃzÃner
Yenal YaÄcÄ

Two anarchists charged in pre-May Day vandalism

May 21, 2012 Seattle PI

Two Seattle residents accused of vandalizing the Moore Theater and several
other buildings prior to the May 1 protests are now facing felony charges.

King County prosecutors contend Kristin L. Sposito and Brian P. Greenwood
painted anarchist slogans on downtown buildings weeks before May Day, when
black-clad protestors smashed windows around downtown Seattle.

Writing the court, Deputy Prosecutor Benjamin Carr contended Sposito, 32,
and Greenwood, 30, caused about $14,400 in damage during a spray painting
spree in the early hours of April 16. Among their additions to the
cityscape, according to charging documents, were the slogans “Kidnap the
mayor” and “Burn (Expletive) Mayday!” as well as various anarchist

According to charging documents, the vandalism was first discovered at
midnight by a garbage collector working near the Moore Theater.

The man spotted two vandals – since identified as Sposito and Greenwood –
spray painting “General Strike Mayday” and a circled letter A on an alley
wall of the theater, Detective Chris Young told the court. The pair ran as
the garbage collector called 911.

Minutes later, a security guard at an office complex in the 1300 block of
Second Avenue also spotted a man painting the anarchist symbol on that
building, the detective continued. A woman appeared to be acting as a
lookout; both fled after the guard spotted them.

A Seattle police officer patrolling the area stopped Sposito and Greenwood
just before 1 a.m. At the time, Greenwood was wearing a black mask over
his face.

Young told the court that both tried to run from officers. Sposito is
alleged to have dug her fingernails into the hand of one arresting
officer, and was brought to the ground and handcuffed.

Officers recovered two cans of spray paint from Greenwood’s backpack, and
noted Greenwood had bright green paint on his hands, the detective
continued. The paint matched graffiti found at several locations downtown.

The guard and trash collector identified both as the vandals, Young added.

Greenwood and Sposito, both of Seattle, have been charged with
first-degree malicious mischief and third-degree malicious mischief.
Neither is currently jailed in the case.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Re-Occupied! Thousands of activists clash with police as May Day protesters swarm dozens of U.S. cities

    May 1, 2012 By Daniel Bates , Lydia Warren and Louise Boyle Daily Mail

  • At least 50 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested after clashes with NYPD
  • In anticipation of protests, NYPD stormed activists' homes on Monday
  • Tear gas launched in Oakland, California - 25 arrests made
  • At least 12 arrested in Portland, Oregon and 10 in LA
  • Black-clad protesters in Seattle used sticks to smash small downtown shop windows and ran through the streets disrupting traffic
  • Comes after Occupy called for a general strike, urging workers and students across the U.S. to stay at home today in an act of defiance

  • Thousands of Occupy Wall Street activists clashed with police across the country on Tuesday as they swarmed into the streets as part of the movement's nationwide May Day protests.

    In a deliberate attempt to bring large-scale European-style May 1 protests to America for the first time, Occupy called for a general strike, urging workers to attend marches rather than work.

    The biggest swell of defiance was in New York, where protesters had planned to bring the city to a halt by blockading major arteries like the Brooklyn Bridge - and where at least 50 were arrested.

    Scroll down for live footage
    Clash: One protester is caught by police in New York as thousands of activists marched through the city
    Clash: One protester is caught by police in New York as thousands of activists marched through the city
    Chaos: Masked protestors use bats and wooden poles to destroy the glass storefront of an American Apparel store in Seattle on May Day
    Chaos: Masked protestors use bats and wooden poles to destroy the glass storefront of an American Apparel store in Seattle on May Day
    Confrontation: Demonstrators clash with police as a tear gas canister goes off in the background during May Day protests in Oakland
    Confrontation: Demonstrators clash with police as a tear gas canister goes off in the background during May Day protests in Oakland

    City at a standstill: Protesters march down Broadway towards Wall Street on Tuesday afternoon as the Occupy movement shows no sign of dissipating
    City at a standstill: Protesters march down Broadway towards Wall Street on Tuesday afternoon as the Occupy movement shows no sign of dissipating
    Lashing out: A police lieutenant swings his baton at an Occupy Wall Street activist in New York City
    Lashing out: A police lieutenant swings his baton at an Occupy Wall Street activist in New York City

    Observing: People watch the protests from fire escapes, left, and tourists take pictures of the NYPD cavalcade down Broadway, right
    Injuries: Another Occupy Wall Street activist with a bloody nose is arrested by New York City police
    Sore: Another Occupy Wall Street activist with a bloody nose is arrested by New York City police
    Gloating: Businessmen in a window laugh after placing a sign on their window above where Occupy Wall Street protesters were marching. It reads: 'The harder I work, the luckier I get'
    Gloating: Businessmen in a window laugh after placing a sign on their window above where Occupy Wall Street protesters were marching. It reads: 'The harder I work, the luckier I get'
    Activists brandishing banners with anti-capitalist slogans swarmed picket lines at Chase banks and in public parks, while others gathered behind barricades at the Bank of America tower at Bryant Park.

    Police officers - some in riot gear and others with scooters - stood guard outside the headquarters of blue-chip companies and shadowed protesters as the day culminated in a march down Broadway.

    In Oakland, California, tear gas sent protesters fleeing a downtown intersection where they were demonstrating. As protesters ignored police dispersal orders into the evening, officers took 25 people into custody on charges of vandalism, resisting arrest and failing to disperse.

    Some 50 black-clad protesters in Seattle used sticks to smash downtown store windows and ran through the streets disrupting traffic.

    Burning: A police officer in riot gear emerges after shooting pepper spray at masked protestors when demonstrations turned violent in Seattle
    Burning: A police officer in riot gear emerges after shooting pepper spray at masked protestors when demonstrations turned violent in Seattle
    Shattered: A disguised activist pulls away more sheet glass from the window of a Wells Fargo branch in downtown Seattle on Tuesday
    Shattered: A disguised activist pulls away more sheet glass from the window of a Wells Fargo branch in downtown Seattle on Tuesday

    Gang: About two dozen of the hundreds of protesters that participated in the march shattered windows and caused mayhem in Seattle
    Gang: About two dozen of the hundreds of protesters that participated in the march shattered windows and caused mayhem in Seattle
    Defense: A Seattle SWAT officer maces a man as protesters marched through the streets
    Defense: A Seattle SWAT officer maces a man as protesters marched through the streets

    Violent: In Oakland, as rallies stretch into the night, protesters light a trash can on fire during a May Day
    Violent: In Oakland, as rallies stretch into the night, protesters light a trash can on fire during a May Day

    At least 12 were arrested in Portland, Oregon, and ten in Los Angeles during demonstrations. 

    In Seattle, police reported several arrests after clashes between police and demonstrators. Offenses included vandalism and striking an officer.

    Across the country in Washington D.C., demonstrators marched from McPherson Square near the White House to the lobby of a downtown building - which houses UBS - on Monday afternoon.

    May Day, which has been associated for more than a century with workers' rights and the labor movement around the world, has been used by American activists in recent years to hold rallies for immigrants' rights.

    Those at Chicago's rally said they welcomed participation from the Occupy groups. 'I definitely see it as an enrichment of it,' one organiser Orlando Sepulveda said. 'It's great.'
    Far from heroic: 'Citizen superhero' Phoenix Jones and his sidekicks at Seattle's May Day protests - who have allegedly been dousing protesters with pepper spray
    Far from heroic: 'Citizen superhero' Phoenix Jones and his sidekicks at Seattle's May Day protests - who have allegedly been dousing protesters with pepper spray
    Flagging the issue: Officers detain a man in Oakland as he tries to make a run for it with his American flag
    Flagging the issue: Officers detain a man in Oakland as he tries to make a run for it with his American flag
    Fashion victim: Seattle riot police shoot pepper spray at masked protesters that used bats and wooden poles to destroy the glass storefront of an American Apparel store today
    Fashion victim: Seattle riot police shoot pepper spray at masked protesters that used bats and wooden poles to destroy the glass storefront of an American Apparel store today
    Eyes front: A protester confronts a police officer near City Hall in downtown Oakland today
    Eyes front: A protester confronts a police officer near City Hall in downtown Oakland today

    Grappled: Police officers try to detain an Occupy Oakland protester during May Day protests
    Grappled: Police officers try to detain an Occupy Oakland protester during May Day protests
    In Los Angeles, at least a half a dozen rallies were planned. A rally was also planned in Minneapolis.

    In Atlanta, about 100 people rallied outside the state Capitol, where a law targeting illegal immigration was passed last year. They called for an end to local-federal partnerships to enforce immigration law.

    Back in New York, officers brought out kettling nets to cordon off any unruly protesters, while there were reports on Twitter of teargas being used along Broadway near Union Square.

    'Remember remember, the 1st of May, the day we made the bankers pay,' read one sign held by a protester marching through Times Square.

    Target: An Oakland police officer is hit in the face with paint after advancing on activists blocking an intersection
    Target: An Oakland police officer is hit in the face with paint after advancing on activists blocking an intersection
    At the ready: Police officers form a line during a May Day protest in Oakland, California
    At the ready: Police officers form a line during a May Day protest in Oakland, California
    Taken down: An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator is arrested by the NYPD while marching in the Lower East Side of New York
    Taken down: An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator is arrested by the NYPD while marching in the Lower East Side of New York

    Grounded: NYPD officers use batons to subdue protesters on the sidewalk
    Grounded: NYPD officers use batons to subdue protesters on the sidewalk

    Driving the issue: A New York yellow cab driver lends his support to the OWS movement
    Driving the issue: A New York yellow cab driver lends his support to the OWS movement
    Hundreds of activists were accompanied by a smartly-clad marching band as they walked en masse from Brooklyn to Lower Manhattan across the Williamsburg Bridge.

    With crowds growing, protesters flocked to Bryant Park to march to Union Square. Tom Morello, from rock band Rage Against the Machine, led a 'Guitarmy' Guitar Workshop beforehand.

    As numbers grew and tensions rose, there were reports of disruption along the route, with police employing their batons.

    Among the early-morning arrests was a man identified as a Vietnam veteran outside the Bank of America HQ. 'Freedom isn't free,'one activist tweeted. 'Got to arrest some veterans to preserve it.'

    There were more than 50 arrests throughout the day, and that number is expected to increase, according to an NYPD spokesperson. Most arrests were for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

    Fighting back: NYPD officers escort the Vietnam veteran away after his arrest near Bryant Park
    Fighting back: NYPD officers escort the Vietnam veteran away after his arrest near Bryant Park
    Rage: Demos will be held late into the night in the biggest May Day protest in the nation's history
    Rage: Demos will be held late into the night in the biggest May Day protest in the nation's history

    Demanding to be heard: Protesters brandish signs and yell outside the News Corporation building
    Demanding to be heard: Protesters brandish signs and yell outside the News Corporation building

    Arrests were made on the Williambsurg Bridge, at Union Square during a rally and during the march from Union Square to Wall Street during the evening, the spokesperson told CNN.

    Hectic: A map shows the Occupy actions planned throughout Manhattan, New York on Tuesday
    Hectic: A map shows the Occupy actions planned throughout Manhattan, New York on Tuesday
    Defiant protesters were put in plastic handcuffs with bloody noses following scuffles with police. No NYPD officers were hurt.

    Tensions continued to rise as protesters marched to the Vietnam Memorial. When the park closed at 10 p.m., some activists clashed with hundreds of police officers, leading to further arrests.

    The mass-scale protest comes after the anti-capitalism movement called for a general strike and urged millions of workers to stay at home today and gather in city centres.

    The demonstrations did not appear to have majorly disrupted businesses. Plans to close down main streets and bridges in New York City did not go ahead.

    On its website, Occupy wrote: 'For the first time, workers, students, immigrants, and the unemployed from 135 U.S. cities will stand together for economic justice.'
    It added: 'No work, no school, no shopping, now housework, no compliance.
    'If you can’t strike call in sick. If you can’t call in sick hold a slow down.'
    According to the timetable of ‘permitted actions’ on, the day in New York began in Bryant Park at 8 a.m. with a ‘pop up occupation’ over the road from the Bank of America HQ.

    Among the arteries into the city that they hoped to target were the Brooklyn Bridge, the Lincoln Tunnel and the Holland Tunnel, causing traffic chaos and bringing Manhattan to a standstill.
    Marching on: Hundreds of protesters marched across the Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan
    Marching on: Hundreds of protesters marched across the Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan
    Force: An officer tries to squeeze through the crowd - which included a full marching band - on the bridge
    Force: An officer tries to squeeze through the crowd - which included a full marching band - on the bridge

    A New York City Police Department officer arrests an Occupy Wall Street protester on the Williamsburg Bridge
    Occupy Wall Street protesters cross the Williamsburg Bridge during a march to Manhattan
    Speaking out: An officer arrests a protester on the bridge, left, while others brandish signs behind, right
    Cuffed: Another Occupy activist is arrested by police during a march through midtown Manhattan
    Cuffed: Another Occupy activist is arrested by police during a march through midtown Manhattan
    There were more than 50 confirmed picket protests scheduled for the city, with protesters crowding the New York Times building, Sotheby's and the U.S. Post Office, among others.

    But the NYPD prepared for the worst, putting detectives in uniform to boost police numbers and having arrest teams at the ready, law enforcement sources told the New York Post.

    In anticipation of the strike, the FBI and NYPD reportedly swooped on protesters' homes on Monday.

    'There were a number of visits between 6:00 and 7:30 in the morning and at other points in the day that appeared to target people that primarily the NYPD, but in one instance the FBI, wanted to ask certain questions to,' Gideon Oliver, a spokesman for the National Lawyers Guild, which has represented the activists in the past, told Buzzfeed.
    Devoted: Evelyn Talarico, from Puerto Rico but now living in Brooklyn, joins hundreds of protesters in Bryant Park
    Devoted: Evelyn Talarico, from Puerto Rico but now living in Brooklyn, joins hundreds of protesters in Bryant Park
    Going all out: Another activist at Bryant Park, where a rally is operating with the permission of the council
    Going all out: Another activist at Bryant Park, where a rally is operating with the permission of the council
    In tune with the activists: Tom Morello from rock band Rage Against the Machine marches with activists
    In tune with the activists: Tom Morello from rock band Rage Against the Machine marches with activists
    Prepared: NYPD officers stand guard in front of the Bank of America building as protesters descend
    Prepared: NYPD officers stand guard in front of the Bank of America building as protesters descend
    At the ready: Other police stood in riot gear to protect a Chase bank
    At the ready: Other police stood in riot gear to protect a Chase bank
    'Questions included things like "what are your May Day plans?" "Do you know who the protest leaders are?" "What do you know about the May Day protests?" and such.'


    Scores of cities across the United States took part in the May Day protests.
    Police in Oakland, California - where the movement's most violent protests were held last October - reportedly used tear gas to 'gain the attention of the crowd'. Activists clashed with baton-carrying police who fired flash-bang grenades and used a loudspeaker to order demonstrators to disperse from an intersection.

    ABC7 video footage taken in Oakland also shows a woman apparently being pulled to the ground from her bike by police.

    In Los Angeles, activists and union members staged early-morning protests at LAX airport, encouraging workers to leave and join their ranks. At least 10 were expecting to be arrested, the LA Times reported, while others began marching downtown.

    Trouble was also reported in San Fransisco, where activists taking part in a march on Monday night were accused of smashing windows and vandalising cars along their route. Demonstrators backed off their pledge to occupy the Golden Gate Bridge.
    In Chicago, Occupy protesters - watched closely by police - gathered outside Bank of America branches, chanting 'Banks got bailed out, we got sold out'. Police blocked an entrance to a bank as numbers swelled.

    In Seattle, 50 black-clad protesters marched through the city centre, carrying black flags on sticks which they used to shatter the windows of several stores including a Nike outlet and an HSBC bank before police forced them out.

    'We’re experienced at accommodating lawful protests and responding appropriately to anyone who engages in unlawful activity, and we’re prepared to do both,' NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said.

    The NYPD trained for the protests on Randall's Island this weekend and the department sent around an internal memo to brace officers, the Guardian reported.
    It warned of 'pop-up' and splinter demos that could occur at any time, especially during the evening.

    It listed events such as a 'wildcat march' starting at 1 p.m. on East Houston Street; a 'Bike Bloc' to beginning at 9 a.m. at Union Square and 'Hoodie March Against Police Violence'.

    The memo noted: 'There are fissures within OWS, but a 'respect for diversity of tactics,' which includes everything from peaceful protests to... vandalism... has been embraced by the movement.'

    The city's mayor Michael Bloomberg added that while he would tolerate the protest he was not going to let Occupy take over the city.

    He said: ‘They don’t have a right to disrupt other people and keep other people from protesting or just going about their business, and we will do as we normally do - find the right balance.’

    Thousands of activists have already swarmed some of the other U.S. cities targeted by the movement, preparing to blockade major roads and bridges and occupy businesses and banks.

    In Los Angeles, California, protesters marched through LAX airport, encouraging employees to join the movement rather than go to work.

    In San Fransisco, which Occupy described as 'a playground for the rich', protests started last night. 

    Activists are accused of smashing windows and vandalising cars along their marching route.

    Occupy Oakland, the most radical of all the Occupy groups in the U.S. scrapped plans to shut down the Golden Gate Bridge but still held a huge rally in the evening.
    Vandalised: Workers clean windows of a Bank of America branch in Washington. Activists were also accused of vandalism in San Fransisco after they held a march on Monday night ahead of the day of action
    Vandalised: Workers clean windows of a Bank of America branch in Washington. Activists were also accused of vandalism in San Fransisco after they held a march on Monday night ahead of the day of action
    Intimidating: Occupy protestors join immigrant and workers' rights protesters in Chicago, lllinois
    Intimidating: Occupy protestors join immigrant and workers' rights protesters in Chicago, lllinois

    Protests were also organised in college towns such as Amherst, Massachusetts, and Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Los Angeles, Houston and Philadelphia. 

    Students were encouraged to stay away from universities and consumers were being urged not to buy anything.

    Demonstrations took place in other major cities across the world, including Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Istanbul and Hamburg in Germany.

    Two thousand people swarmed Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece, with another 7,000 gathered outside a factory where employees have not been paid in six months, according to their union.

    In Istanbul's Taksim Square, thousands of protesters were met with a police presence.
    Plan of action: An Occupy flier shows the movement's intentions for the May Day protest in New York City
    Plan of action: An Occupy flier shows the movement's intentions for the May Day protest in New York City
    There were also marches to Trafalgar Square in London, where officers closed streets and arrested three men in Exchange Square by Liverpool Street, according to the police.

    The day of action comes after Wells Fargo closed three bank branches in New York City when they received suspicious envelopes containing white powder.

    New York City Police told Reuters they were investigating six separate incidents of white powder reported at locations around Manhattan.

    The Wells Fargo branches will remain closed pending further investigation by the police, bank spokesman Ancel Martinez said.

    The branch locations are at Third Avenue and 47th Street; Madison Avenue and 34th Street; and Broadway and 85th Street.
    Well, well, well... what do we have here? A British police officer ponders her next move with an activist by St Paul's Cathedral in London
    Well, well, well... what do we have here? A British police officer ponders her next move with an activist by St Paul's Cathedral in London
    Worldwide: Protesters in London kick off the demos on International Labour Day
    Worldwide: Protesters in London kick off the demos on International Labour Day
    Occupy began on September 17 last year when protesters occupied Zuccotti park in Manhattan but were cleared out two months later.

    By then the movement had inspired dozens of copycat protests around the world including in the UK and across Europe. 

    After the crackdown its organisers were forced to holding one-off events but are now hoping to use May 1 as a way of putting themselves back in the limelight.
    They are trying to latch on to what in the U.S. has traditionally been a day for labour unions to achieve their goal.

    Thursday, May 05, 2011

    Cops break up May Day march in Montreal

    6 arrested as anti-capitalist demonstration turns rowdy

    May 2, 2011 Montreal Gazette

    MONTREAL - Police broke up an anti-capitalist May Day march on Sunday
    after sporadic acts of violence and fears it was about to deteriorate.

    A mix of communists, anarchists, Trotskyists, skinheads and members of
    other left-wing groups, estimated by Montreal police to number 700 to 800
    people, began demonstrating peacefully shortly before 4 p.m. at Émilie
    Gamelin Park at Berri and Ste. Catherine Sts.

    Six people were arrested for minor infractions, and seven police officers
    suffered minor injuries, Monteal police Constable Raphael Bergeron

    The march was stopped because it was "no longer peaceful," and among
    objects seized were a metal bar and a Molotov cocktail, he said.

    It followed an earlier demonstration in Plateau Mont Royal, supported by
    Quebec's big labour federations, that attracted 400 participants,
    including Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe.

    Mathieu Francoeur, a spokesperson for Convergeces des luttes
    anticaptitalistes Montréal, contrasted the two demonstrations, saying the
    labour movement's goal is to reform the laws governing society, while the
    afternoon march was "an invitation to rebel against capitalism and

    One man wore a T-shirt saying, "I hate everything you love," and the
    biggest group were red-flag-waving members of the Maoist Parti communiste

    Before the march began, police Commander Alain Simoneau announced via a
    loudspeaker that demonstrators would be allowed to proceed as long as they
    followed the direction of traffic and were peaceful. If there were any
    infractions, "We will put an end to the demonstration," he said.

    That is exactly what police did. About 4:10 p.m., someone ignited a flare
    and tossed it toward police at St. Urbain and Sherbrooke Sts.

    Marchers' ranks began to thin out as demonstrators headed west on
    Sherbrooke St. At 4:58 p.m., the police tactical squad began tapping
    nightsticks against their shields, a signal they were moving in to stop
    the march.

    The demonstration was to end at the Ste. Catherine St. W. campaign offices
    of Westmount-Ville Marie Conservative candidate Neil Drabkin.