
Showing posts with the label Time

Decolonization in the Caribbean #2: Statement from UN Secretary General

Each regional seminar for the Committee of 24 begins with a reading of a statement by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. The Secretary General himself would probably never attend the seminar itself, as he is a busy person with many things to do, and in the UN hierarchy decolonization issues are a very low priority. This year the statement was read by Rie Kadota, who is the officer-in-charge for the UN Decolonization Unit. The statement from the secretary general, like the press release, both of which I've attached below, don't change much from year to year, at least not recently. Part of this is because decolonization is one issue where the UN can claim a great historical victory, but over the past few decades, has not been able to accomplish much. There are 17 non-self-governing territories that remain officially considered to be colonies in need of decolonization. They are a diverse group in political, economic, cultural terms, however most tend to be small island

Truth Behind the Planned Parenthood Attacks

Faces and Fake Names Behind the Planned Parenthood Attacks Videos Democracy Now! July 31, 2015 As the Senate prepares to vote to defund Planned Parenthood, we look at the Center for Medical Progress, the anti-choice group behind the attacks on Planned Parenthood. The group was founded by David Daleiden who is seen in the undercover sting videos using a fictional name. We speak to RH Reality Check’s Sharona Coutts, who wrote the piece, "Exclusive: The Faces and Fake Names of People Behind Planned Parenthood Attack Videos." This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN : I want to turn to who David Daleiden is, of the Center for Medical Progress, the group responsible for attacking Planned Parenthood. This is Daleiden speaking on Fox News. DAVID DALEIDEN : For the past two-and-a-half years, the Center for Medical Progress conducted a long-term, in-depth, comprehensive, investigative journ

The Riddle Game

I just finished watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I had worried that the film would drag on due to the fact that they were taking a relatively short book and transforming it into 3 films, totaling as much as 9 hours of screen time. The book Breaking Dawn was not worthy of two films, and this was blisteringly apparent when both Part 1 and Part 2 seemed to drag on forever during certain sections. I was worried about a similar fate for the first Hobbit film. While I did cringe during certain parts, I did have to admire the way they extended the film, but still kept it entertaining. I recently reread the Hobbit and found that so much of the richness of it was in my head. The writing is very sparse and not very detailed. Even fact it seems that Tolkien's true passion was writing songs, since the books are littered with ballads from every race in Middle Earth. But this is one of the hallmarks of fantasy writing. The writing itself may not be the most lyrical or


Fihu hinasso-ku na ti nahong i tiempo-ku gi este na mundo. Meggai na malago bai hu cho’gue, lao ti siña hu na’fanhuyong todu i minalago-hu, put i ti nahong na tiempo, pat ti nahong i fuetsÃ¥-ku. Achokka' todu i taotao siha ma hasso este na hinasso gi i lina'la'-ñiha, likidu i sinieñte para kada na taotao. Guaha ha'Ã¥ni nai siniente-ku na ti nahong i oras, ti nahong i dihas, ya maskeseha hu hago' 100 años gi este na lina'la'-hu, ti nanahong ha'. Lao guaha otro ha'Ã¥ni, nai sinieñte-ku na taibali i oras gi i dihÃ¥-hu siha. Na gi i lina'la'-hu, meggai na debi di hu cho'gue (achokka' buente ti malago yu'), ya todu este siha magagasta. Sesso annai tinemba yu' (mana'triste yu') put este na kosas, guaha un sinangan hu hahasso. I fine'nina nai hu hungok este na sinangan gi i kachido Star Trek: Generations . Gi ayu na mubi, guaha un petsona, ya para Guiya, "tiempo" yan i oras gi kada diha, kalang un malamana na b