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You can read my Middle East Monitor column by clicking here.

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Filed under Published articles

“It does show the hypocrisy of the so-called mainstream media that they’re not paying attention to this story as they should be” — Asa Winstanley’s full interview with The Canary

I spoke to The Canary about my most recent scoop for The Electronic Intifada. Assaf Kaplan is a former Israeli spy from Military Intelligence’s criminal hacking outfit, Unit 8200, yet he’s just been hired by the British Labour Party.

You can watch the full interview above.

Canary journalist Steve Topple also wrote this excellent follow-up piece, which is well worth reading.


Filed under Media appearances

Ken Livingstone’s fight to overturn the EHRC “Labour anti-Semitism” report — Asa Winstanley on Sputnik

I spoke to Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman once again for their excellent radio show By Any Means Necessary.

My segment starts from 26:25 onwards, but the whole show is definitely worth listening to as always.

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Filed under Media appearances

“Socialism and the UK Media” — Valleys Underground

Live panel discussing Socialism and the UK media with some very special guests, including:

  • Ben Norton of the Grayzone
  • Alexander Norton of The Morning Star
  • Asa Winstanley of Electronic Intifada

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Filed under Talks

The Campaign to Topple Jeremy Corbyn: A webinar hosted by Miko Peled

Miko Peled hosts a roundtable discussion with Chris Williamson (Former Labour Party MP), Asa Winstanley (Journalist), and Tony Greenstein (Activist, Author) who will analyze the events and forces that led to Corbyn’s fall at the hands of pro-Israels special interest groups. Chris Williamson, Asa Winstanley, and Tony Greenstein all faced pressure and/or oustings from their respective roles within the UK Labour Party over similar smears of “antisemitism”. In this online event, we will hear from each of these esteemed UK journalists, politicians and activists who have been directly affected by and witnessed this vast smear campaign and political suppression on the ground level.

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Corbyn’s ‘Antisemitism’ Suspension Saga Signals Blairite Consolidation of Labour — Asa Winstanley on Radio Sputnik

Listen to “Corbyn’s ‘Antisemitism’ Suspension Saga Signals Blairite Consolidation of Labour” on Spreaker.

I was invited back on Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman’s Radio Sputnik show, “By Any Means Necessary” to talk about Labour and about Corbyn expulsion over anti-Semitism smears.

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Filed under Media appearances

Labour Suspends Corbyn: What Now For the Left? — Asa Winstanley on BreakThrough News

I spoke to Breakthrough News about Labour finally doing Jeremy Corbyn in — something that’s been coming for more than five years.

Small correction: I misspoke when I accused the British police of “institutional anti-Semitism” I meant institutional racism, against Black people.

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Electronic Intifada Exposes Bogus Report Behind ‘Labour Anti-Semitism’ Smear — Asa Winstanley on By Any Means Necessary

Listen to “Electronic Intifada Exposes Bogus Report Behind ‘Labour Anti-Semitism’ Smear” on Spreaker.

I spoke to Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman on their radio show By Any Means Necessary to talk about my latest piece, about the Rubin report — the secret document which triggered Labour’s manufactured “anti-Semitism crisis”.

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Filed under Media appearances

Tory donor is EHRC commissioner — Asa Winstanley speaks to Loud & Clear about Labour

Listen to “Key figure in UK “anti-Semitism” campaign vs. Jeremy Corbyn revealed as Conservative Party donor” on Spreaker.

I spoke to Brian Becker for his Sputnik radio show, Loud and Clear, about the UK equality watchdog’s investigation of the Labour Party for alleged anti-Semitism.

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Filed under Media appearances

Israel’s Annexation Plans: Is the Two-State Solution Dead? — Asa Winstanley on TRT World

I was invited onto the TRT World channel alongside Palestinian member of the Knesset Aida Touma-Sliman to discuss Israel’s latest annexation plan in the West Bank.

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Filed under Media appearances

From Corbyn to Sanders: Are Zionist Organizations Targeting Progressive Politicians?

I took part in this debate hosted by Miko Peled.

See also part 1 of the discussion with my EI colleague Ali Abunimah.

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Filed under Talks

Debate on the #LabourLeaks — Asa Winstanley, Kerry-Anne Mendoza, David Miller and Chris Williamson

I took part in a live debate on Thursday about the leaked internal Labour Party document, with editor of The Canary Kerry-Anne Mendoza and co-founder of Spinwatch David Miller, hosted by Chris Williamson’s new outlet, Resistance TV.

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Labour report reveals how Jeremy Corbyn was sabotaged from within — Asa Winstanley on Pushback with Aaron Maté

I was very pleased to appear on Aaron Maté’s show for The Grayzone, Pushback

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