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The Kulo' - July Issue


Independent Guåhan June General Assembly

Independent GuÃ¥han’s June General Assembly focuses on issue of military dumping and vandalism in the village of Toto For Immediate Release, June 20, 2017 – Independent GuÃ¥han (IG) has continued to bring decolonization outreach and education to Guam’s villages with two successful forums in Malesso’ and Chalan PÃ¥go. This month’s General Assembly (GA) will be at the Toto Community Center on June 29, from 6:00 -7:30 p.m. The focus this month is on the troubling history of military dumping on Guam and also creative ways communities can deal with problems such as vandalism and crime. Each meeting, IG honors a Maga’taotao, or outstanding person. This month the group will honor the legacy of Tan Deda, or Magdalena S.N. Bayani, a war survivor, master techa and pillar of the M-T-M community who passed away recently. IG honors the strength and perseverance of Tan Deda and all other war survivors as June 28 is Guam War Survivors Memorial Day. In analyzing the impacts of Wo