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Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
55 points · 3 hours ago

My brother in law is an evangelical pastor. And yes, he uses his pulpit to tell people who to vote for, etc. Last time he did it, I posted the IRS reporting form.

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0 points · 2 hours ago

Wow that’s what you call ideology above family

Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
2 points · 2 hours ago

Miracles? What about Moses? The relevant biblical text (Exodus 14:21) reads as follows: “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided." He had one of the greatest miracles among the prophets. So do you believe Him to be a "God" as well?

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1 point · 2 hours ago

No because he admits he’s not God. Jesus says He is God I already provided plenty of historical proof in defense of the Bible. I can site more if you feel like you need it.

2 points · 2 hours ago

Is there any logical evidence of Jesus claiming Himself to be a God?

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1 point · 2 hours ago

If by logical you mean historical then there is. Also Jesus doesn’t claim to be a God He is the only God. I posted the athanasian creed which explains what the Bible says regarding Jesus’ divinity.

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Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
19 points · 3 hours ago

Mind my ass fucker. This wasn’t theoretical. They beat him to death because of how conservatives hate LGBT people. Do you know what that’s like? Do you get what they did? The fact that you see someone being brutally and slowly killed for being associated with LGBT people and feel the need to go “wait what about the good conservatives” shows exactly what you are.

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-15 points · 3 hours ago

Haven’t you ever done that with liberals though. I mean do you buy anything made by Nike? Cause I mean they buy all the materials for their cloathing from slave manufacturing camps in China. Or what about racism don’t you defend black people when all the Asian hate crimes were commuted by black men. Do you think the good should suffer for the evil. Look I’m sorry I was distracted with my thinking by another comments section when I posted that original comment and should have read better.

20 points · 2 hours ago

You’re a fucking moron. You don’t choose to be black dumb fucker. You choose to associate yourself with the degenerates who murder LGBT people. You’re not good. Believing LGBT people are subhuman makes you not good and you are like them and deserve the same.

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-11 points · 2 hours ago

You think I deserve to be murdered for a comment? You didn’t even try to convince me of your side or change my mind.

Also what about this. You choose to be gay. Also where do you get the idea that believing that makes you bad who gets to decide what’s wrong. Don’t get me wrong…..haha, I’m not saying that they are subhuman I don’t believe that at all. But I’ll be honest what you just said to me is the same thing as subhumanizing LGBT+ people isn’t it?

Also as far as whether it’s right or not all religions on the planet say that it’s wrong, not to mention biology and Darwinism. I’m gonna tell you the truth, based on the way you talk you don’t sound like someone who’s open to any religion you sound very consumed in ideology as everyone can be. But I’ll be honest if I was someone else reading these comments I’d definitely be more inclined to believe the person who’s calm, not swearing, and not saying that the other person deserves a to be killed just for speaking. You’re being mean I’d like to suggest that you read the Bible or just even calm down in general. I already apologized to you multiple times and you still insulted me. You sure don’t set a good example for being peaceable to people you disagree with.

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Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
1 point · 3 hours ago

Honestly I think it’s gonna be a ninjala character considering that Nintendo has been doing a lot of advertisement for the game and is now going to be doing crossovers with anime

Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
3 points · 19 hours ago

Uhh... Didn't a God destroy the whole Hallownest?

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1 point · 15 hours ago

Honestly I have no clue I played like ten minutes of the game

3 points · 10 hours ago

Play more, it's an amazing game

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1 point · 6 hours ago


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Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
3 points · 1 day ago

To defend in the holy line….to protect the little ones

Orangatangdoofer777 commented on
Posted by
2 points · 2 days ago

Do Ganon

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7 points · 2 days ago

Then draw Ganon making a pledge of sexual abstinence

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3 points · 2 days ago

You can’t he was also Dracula you are killing him by upvoting

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Op1 point · 2 days ago

Oh my gosh that’s way funnier now

0 points · 2 days ago

Everyone in the comments is complaining about this being “tumblr shit” or whatever, but this is so bad that I find it funny.

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Op1 point · 2 days ago

I got to be honest I don’t understand the whole tumblr thing I just thought it was funny so I reposted it

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