
Who is your favourite Mudokon character (that isn't Abe)? by Brianna-Imagination in oddworld

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You don't understand I owned a scratched up version of Abe's Oddessey for the PS1. I could not get past Bigface's first appearence without it freezing. I've watched that cutscene hundreds of times.

"Then Bigface appeared and said I was dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead...."

If you could change one canon thing about the story, what would you change? by TinOX- in Naruto

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd make Obito the mastermind and final boss. Keep mostly everything in except a few things, but just have Obito betray Madara instead of Kaguya. In the end it will be about the morality of obtaining peace rather than "the power of friendship overcomes god."

hmmm by x2py in hmmm

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So, according to fans, a feather will fix this?

What's Something That Depresses You About Yugioh? by RitualSummoner94 in yugioh

[–]JVOz671 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I feel the same about ritual summoning. But I guess I'm more depressed about the deck building and the meta. I am the kind of guy who makes different kinds of decks for fun. It just breaks my heart when I see the same cards used over and over in top tier decks. Normally it wouldnt bother me but sometimes even just for fun people go and use their "tournament" decks against my theme based deck. I mean come on and relax, cant you just make something fun once in a while?

Do you think turning into Dark Jak is painful for Jak at all? by Iskahylock in jakanddaxter

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Its painful for Kira too I bet. Can't get 5 secs into it then BAM.

Let's be honest. Was Muzan REALLY in the wrong here? by calculatingaffection in KimetsuNoYaiba

[–]JVOz671 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Few people acknowledge this but I love Muzan in the fact he's kinda feels like he's just one with this shit. It makes him different than other villains who only want to swan about thinking they have the upper hand, smirking and laughing all the while. Thats the difference you see: Aizen loses a minion or two he just goes on his merry way. Not Muzan. One died (as well as consider the fact that none of them have gotten stronger since)? Replace them all. I dont know why some people give shit about him. The man actually tries to make his shit work.

Who is best girl and why? by tayakiboy69 in Naruto

[–]JVOz671 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sakura is be- urp sorry couldn't finish that statement even as a joke.

Its actually Konan for me. This just being personal preference, I just like that kind of girl.

Could Orochimaru Beat Shikamaru in a game of shogi ? Who is the best strategist by No-Acanthisitta-4411 in Naruto

[–]JVOz671 43 points44 points  (0 children)

"You take my pawn and I'll kill your family."

"Nice try, Asuma's dead already."

Which Manhua is this??? by Last-Editor-5349 in Manhua

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well it doesn't take me 5 years to scroll to the next panel so I assume it isnt a manhua.

Incel maces women he harassed by ImNotHereStopAsking in Cringetopia

[–]JVOz671 -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

I know we got rid of most of them but can we bring back the guillotine? Nothing like before just make it small enough for a pair of balls. And just like before lets have a crowd gather round to see shits like this guy get castrated for the world to see.

Who were your top five favorite villains? by its_ya_booi in Naruto

[–]JVOz671 17 points18 points  (0 children)

If we're being serious I dont like the machine one. As cool as his design was I thought it was such a cop out. One pain can summon large animals, this one can pulls and push things, and this one is just a robot.

Who were your top five favorite villains? by its_ya_booi in Naruto

[–]JVOz671 30 points31 points  (0 children)

That guys an asshole. Number 6 is Konan for me.

What are you currently playing? by lockupyoursisters in PS4

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Horizon Forbidden West and loving it. I like the part where-

Just kidding, its Elden Ring.

Pulled up the carpets in newly purchased house to find this by AdamPowers22 in oddlyterrifying

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It'll come out with a bit of sanding. Just don't cut your finger and place a drop of blood to complete the contract and by some nice varnish and it'll be fine.

Who were your top five favorite villains? by its_ya_booi in Naruto

[–]JVOz671 102 points103 points  (0 children)

1 Pain

2 Female Pain

3 Pain

4 Pain

5 Pain

Ren & Stimpy Sawing Wood by radkoolaid in SuddenlyGay

[–]JVOz671 851 points852 points  (0 children)

Not trying to overthink things but I maybe that wasn't just about cutting wood.

Sometimes what a person needs is just one piece.....A 2012 Meme by flamefreeze_YT in memes

[–]JVOz671 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sees a post about quoting memes

You can only quote a penguin meme

Russian Propaganda cringe by B0NKB0Y in Cringetopia

[–]JVOz671 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Yes, as you know, coming from an english speaking country I speak lots of Russian. But for the benefit of others tell them what they are saying.