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Danbito commented on
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7 points · 2 hours ago

Craster is the nearest dwelling and despite being a major asshole and monster, has been willing to harbor brothers there (though through trading). My guess is they don’t want to piss him off or kill him since that’d essentially make the keep fall apart since they can’t stay there.

Danbito commented on
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90 points · 4 hours ago

Definitely looks like a Star War.

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18 points · 2 hours ago

The Empire will truly lose the Star Wars.

Danbito commented on
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Original Poster53 points · 1 day ago

Probably. This one is probably easiest to do since we have basically everything we need to know. Hell they even half of the major players casted already (Young Ned, Rhaegar, etc)

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29 points · 1 day ago

The major casting left really is a young Robert. Besides that just pad out the casting with Jon Arryn to finish the rebels and probably a young Jaime to be our POV for King’s Landing

1 point · 5 hours ago

I feel like Gerard Butler would be a perfect young Robert Baratheon

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2 points · 4 hours ago

Henry Cavill for me, but both feel like they're aged out at this point. They'd probably look for an up and coming built actor in his mid-20s

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Danbito commented on
Posted byu/[deleted]
10 points · 5 hours ago

In fairness to her: why should she have to give up everything she spent the last few years accumulating just for her lover who suddenly has a claim from out of nowhere? That’s probably the most humiliating thing ever.

Renly has never shied away from what he was really doing.

Danbito commented on
Posted by
72 points · 8 hours ago

What if Ned was actually sent to the Wall?

  • What does Robb do with his bannermen? Is there enough justification in the eyes of the North to continue with their march south? Does the situation in the Riverlands de-escalate?

  • Sansa presumably is held at KL as a political hostage, in return for Ned staying silent on the issue of Cersei's affair. Probably kept as Joffrey's promised bride, at least initially. Does this bother her? Does sparing her father's life make her look more favourably onto Joffrey again?

  • Does Ayra still escape KL? I think she probably would, knowing she'd be basically be a prisoner if she stayed.

  • How does Ned's presence on the Wall play out for Jon, the threat of Mance and the Others?

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2 points · 7 hours ago

Not to mention what Varys likely planned for Ned once Aegon landed

Danbito commented on
Posted by
4 points · 22 hours ago

I would enjoy a mini series with each episode being around an hour and 20 minutes or something like that.

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3 points · 22 hours ago

You can probably fit the Rebellion with maybe three episode focus on the lead up to the war itself in maybe an 8-10 episode hour and a half limited series.

4 points · 18 hours ago

HBO doesn’t have to keep putting out TV shows. They have a lot of history and content they can use. They can do mini series and movies too. If their going to use this series they should do it right and not just milk it.

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2 points · 18 hours ago

Yeah I agreed. The Rebellion honestly shouldn’t be this drawn out. The whole story can be told in one season just with slightly longer episodes.

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Posted by2 days ago
1 point · 19 hours ago

It seems to me like he's just kawaki the otsutsuki now, and what we've seen is the way to keep the powers without the downsides

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Original Poster1 point · 19 hours ago

But this may be a downside if someone else sticks a Karma on him

2 points · 2 days ago

But that data is specifically Isshikis, not from another Otsutsuki.

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Original Poster4 points · 2 days ago

By momo's words, that data hasn't gone away. In theory, another Otsutsuki would just hijack that 'data' and slip their consciousness in there.

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Danbito commented on
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3 points · 20 hours ago

Thanks for the sum up, I always get confused between the novellas, the compilations etc. I'm still not sure to this day what The Princess and the Queen etc are. Is it to Fire and Blood what The Hedge Knight is to A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms ?

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3 points · 20 hours ago

Sorta, yeah The Princess and the Queen was a short novella included in another anthology and was included in Fire & Blood and expanded as the early material for the Dance of Dragons section of the book. The Rogue Prince is similar where it covers the lead up to the Dance by covering the reign of Viserys II and expanded for Fire & Blood too.

1 point · 20 hours ago

Ok so it is better to only read the compilation and forget about independent novellas altogether ?

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3 points · 20 hours ago

For Dunk & Egg, it’s really whatever floats your boat. Having all three in one is just more convenient I feel. But for the rest I would recommend the compilations

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