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The Fruits of Our Labor

There are a handful of promising signs in both the United States and Guam that those who care about labor or class issues from a "progressive" or "liberal" slant, will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There are plenty of labor activists out there who are praising Obama's selection of California Congresswoman Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor. In 2000 she received a Profiles in Courage Award, click here to read a statement from Senator Ted Kennedy on her work. There is also hope that the Democrats and Obama will be good on their promise to pass a " Union Bill " next year, which will be aimed at revitalizing unions in the United States and making it easier for employees to become unionized. This will be an incredibly important bill, especially in the context of the recent debate over whether or not to bail out the big American auto-makers. Whereas the government was more than eager to bail out massive corporations without unions, for some