
It’s spa-time!


how y’all feelin

tumblr users logging in today to discover the changed nsfw policies


Single tumblr dev says "yeah this is great we totally unbanned porn have fun", followed by "okay actually I don't know what the update actually entails that's just what the vibes I got were lol"

Frankly as a metaphor for the management of this site it's a little on the nose.

Cockroach? What about cuntroach. #feminism

has a breakdown about what a lonely life it is. goes for a walk with headphones in. purchases a beverage at the supermarket. you know how it goes

I hate that the stock response for "I'm lonely/I feel undervalued by my loved ones/I want a romantic partner" is "well do you value YOURSELF? You need to learn to enjoy being alone!" as if lonely people aren't very intimately familiar with being alone. Self esteem and love are important but they're not substitutes for companionship or friendship or romance and pretending that loneliness is a personal failure that can be fixed by self-improvement feels not only delusional but pretty cruel


girls night