Showing posts with label Jeremy Hammond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy Hammond. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Solidarity Demo for Jeremy Hammond at His Next Court Date

June 27, 2012 Anarchist News

On the 23rd July 2012, the Jeremy Hammond Support Network will sponsor a
rally in NYC to show support for the accused hacktivist. Friends, family,
and supporters of Jeremy Hammond will gather at Foley Square for a brief
march to the Metropolitan Correctional Center where we will pack the
courtroom in solidarity with Jeremy

We wish to make it clear our intent to peacefully fill the courtroom. We
are there to support Jeremy, and the more people that actually make it
into the courtroom, the better. In this light, we have also been informed
that sadly, individuals with any items identifying them as Anonymous have,
in the past, been denied entry to the court. This is not something the
Support Network agrees with, however, if you intend to actually sit in the
court room, you will need to take this into consideration.

The event will be covered live on #freeanons courtesy of
the the Freeanons Solidarity Network.

Jeremy is accused of taking part in compromising the computer systems of
Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (aka “Stratfor”) and providing information
gathered to the website Wikileaks. This information, released by Wikileaks
under the name “The Global Intelligence Files”
( ) revealed even further corruption within
the U.S. Intelligence community – including plans to target and infiltrate
domestic popular movements such as Occupy.

A social activist himself, Jeremy was deeply in support of some of the
very movements targeted. A longterm anti-war, anti-capitalist activist,
Jeremy was arrested for involvement in the Stratfor hack on the testimony
and actions of FBI Informant, Hector Xavier Monsegur. Monsegur himself was
facing 105 years in a Federal Penitentiary if he could not assist the FBI
in identifying and apprehending other alleged members of Anonymous and
Lulz Security ( ).

We feel there is ample evidence to show that the Stratfor hack was
organized, planned, and allowed to happen by the FBI, through the agency
of Mr. Monsegur, for the expressed purpose of entrapping alleged Anonymous
hacktivists. We understand that Jeremy's years of organizing for social
justice show him to clearly possess a more noble character than that of
his accuser, Mr. Monsegur, best known as little more than a Twitter troll
and internet blowhard.

We demand that charges be dropped pending an investigation into the
methods used by the FBI to entrap all alleged Anons and Lulzsec members.
We demand that Jeremy be taken off lock down and be granted visitation. At
the very least, we demand that Jeremy be moved to a cell providing a view
of more than another wall.

Free Jeremy Hammond! Free all accused Anons! Amnesty for all political

Monday, April 09, 2012

Contact information for Jeremy Hammond

He is accused of the Lulz Sec hack of stratfor, and nazi websites. The website is legit, and he can be written at:

Jeremy Hammond 18729-424
Metropolitan Correctional Center
150 Park Row,
New York New York, 10007