Showing posts with label Fee Marie Meyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fee Marie Meyer. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2011

Letter from prison by the anarchist Fee Marie Meyer, 18.2.2011

Feb. 18, 2011 Occupied London

Greek original

Behind bars…

So sometimes even the most wild scenarios become reality, and so here I am
in pre-trial detention at the Female Prison of Korydallos [in Athens]
precisely because I possessed already published documents, because I am
anarchist. Of course, the original list of charges against me has grown,
with an extremely serious crime added to it – namely my reference to the
imprisoned anarchists as “political prisoners”. These are the findings
upon which the decision of the Committee of Misdemeanours was based [which
ordered Fee's pre-trial detention –trans.], the only findings with which
they have sent me to prison. I am not surprised yet I wonder, if what I am
going through is not a political persecution, then what would ever be one?
Perhaps all the persecutions of comrades based solely on their
relationships and their beliefs are not political. Perhaps even the
detention of people awaiting trial in high-security prisons, or
underground dungeons, are random phenomena, entirely unconnected to the
political identity of the detainees. Not to forget the transformation of
political trials into military tribunals acting under special
circumstances, in absentia of the accused and the withholding of the ID of
the people who chose to attend…

Are you kidding us?

Authority itself gets rid of the dipole of innocence and guilt, the same
dipole it had used for so many years in order to divide the front of the
people in struggle into good and bad ones, legal and illegal. From now on,
everything is related; dividing lines become fluid and everyone who
resists is placed on the shore of the guilty ones. Everyone is potentially
incarcerated in the hospitable cells of the greek prisons.

Divide and conquer is no longer required, the junta is by now shameless,
people are one again divided into two parts. Into the exploited and the

In this situation, it is not only acts who matter anymore but thoughts
too. Books and publications are categorised as dangerous and we should
expect the new publication of the “index librorum prohibitorum” (list of
banned books by the Inquisition). The anarchist/ anti-authoritarian word
is criminalised and most certainly needs to be repented as it is
subversive. This is an attempt to silence and dispose not only the people
in struggle but also the thoughts and our ideals, the ideas that our texts
carry with them.

All this is extremely dangerous at the present time.

Dangerous because in the times that we live in a new liberal
totalitarianism has made an appearance; the perfectly post-modern and
always socialist junta.

Dangerous as the parts of people who resist are widening out, networking,
recognising the importance of a multiform struggle.

From the dignified residents of Keratea and the nearby areas, the 300
migrant hunger strikers who demand the obvious dream in life with complete
consciousness of their class, to the strikers at the Mass Transportation
Systems and other working sectors refusing to bow to the blackmailing of
their bosses; the “I won’t pay” movement, the members of which are facing
incarceration. Them and how many, how many more…

This junta lacks nothing compared to the previous ones as it has adopted
from them the military advantage of the quick, versatile and
always-present forces of “Security” and the security para-state that moves
around, armed, hooded up and with no initials – specialising in the
chasing and torturing of people in struggle; specialising to truly
terrorise. Terrorists with new and older methods, abductions in the middle
of the street with cinematic effects, publication of photographs even
before charges are brought forward (the recent case of comrade K.S in
Thessaloniki), invented groups with no name nor action being included in
the list of charges against comrades; terrorist laws with special clauses,
more laws, more incarcerations.

This entire climate is sustained and reproduced via the media which take
on the role that the state would never be able to fulfil on its own. With
lies upon lies, TV shows about indifferent celebrities targeting only dumb
people and offending the intelligence of those who watch them, they
attempt on the one hand to break up and terrorise and on the other hand to
keep people drugged up and subordinate to a cheap dream.

At this moment then, for all the above reasons, solidarity as a main
co-ordinate unifying the front of the repressed beholds even greater
value. Solidarity meaning proximity, not consonance: a recognition of the
common ground of the state of our struggle. This fundamental political
virtue of higher social organising combined with the utmost individual

Comradely regards, my friendliness and my thoughts go out to all the
comrades and friends behind and outside the bars – stay strong! Because
until the tearing down of the last prison and total freedom, no-one is
free. Because the darkest hour is just before the dawn!

Fee Meyer

Cell 35, Wing B

female prison of Korydallos

This was written by admin. Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011, at 7:03 pm.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fee Marie Meyer ordered in pre-trial detention

This evening, our anarchist comrade Fee Marie Meyer was ordered in pre-trial detention. Fee had been arrested on January 14th by men of the anti-terrorist unit in Athens. From the moment of her arrest, media and police launched a coordinated slander attempt against her, coming up with incredible scenaria of a supposed involvement of her parents with RAF in Germany, and so on and so forth.

Even though mainstream media outlets were embarrassingly forced to admit their stories about Fee were nothing more than fabrications, and despite the police themselves admitting the information leaked was wrong, Fee has been ordered in pre-trial detention this evening. Initially, the public prosecutor and the attorney had disagreed on whether Fee should be ordered in detention. The matter was brought before the so-called misdemeanours committee, which decided for her detention. Fee was too much of an embarrassment to be left free. She is sent to prison with absolutely no evidence being brought against her. As things stand, her only “crime” seems to be that she is an anarchist.

Should Fee go to prison she would become the 50th political prisoner of the Greek state, 41 of which are anarchists – an unprecedented number fitting to these unprecedented times of repression.