Monday, June 28, 2010

NYC Running Down the Walls 2010

New York City: Running Down the Walls 2010

On Saturday, August 7th, 2010 at 3pm, the NYC Anarchist Black Cross will host a 5k run/walk/jog to raise much-needed funds for the ABCF's Warchest program. Light refreshments will be served and a social gathering will follow.

When: Saturday, August 7th, 2010, 3pm.

Where: Runners, walkers, and joggers will meet at 3pm on the steps of the Brooklyn Public Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza at Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn (take the 2/3 train to Grand Army Plaza). Everyone is welcome to the picnic afterparty at 5 pm in the Long Meadow.

ABCF Warchest:
The ABCF Warchest program is now almost 16 years old; funds for the Warchest are divided and distributed through monthly stipends to political prisoners who receive little or no financial aid. Prisoners use this money to cover the basic necessities of everyday living. Funds have been used by prisoners to pay for stamps, shoes, clothes, as well as assisting their families with what little they can.

Official Runs:
The ABCF is a Federation of ABC chapters that span the country and is holding two official Running Down the Walls runs, in New York City and Los Angeles, on August 7th. In sync with each other and other solidarity runs, we will collectively pound the pavement with our feet and bike tires as we exhibit our strength and stamina as examples of our tireless effort to free our imprisoned comrades.

Solidarity Runs:
Every year, prisoners and supporters of political prisoners organize solidarity runs with Running Down the Walls. Last year, we had runs in Albuquerque (NM), Arcata (CA), Ashland, (OR), Bellefonte (PA), Boston (MA), Denver, (CO), Elmore (AL), Inez (KY), Los Angeles (CA), Marion (IL), New York NY), USP. Navosta (TX), Pelican Bay (CA), Phoenix (AZ), Tucson (AZ), and Toronto, Ontario. We raised just over $1,000 with funds being distributed between the ABCF Warchest, Romaine Chip Fitzgerald Homecoming Fund, and Ojore Lutalo’s Homecoming Fund. This year we hope to expand the amount of runs in prisons and other cities, as well as, increase the amount of funds raised for community projects. This year we hope to have even more runs in cities, towns, and prisons all across North America.

Support the Struggle:
We must remember that many of those arrested in the past or present are not far from us. Many of them were and are community and labor activists, queer, and environmental activists; people who decided to speak out against various forms of oppression and paid the price of their freedom for their actions. We must remember that anyone of these people could have at one time stood beside us in a demonstration, at a speak-out, or even at an organizing meeting. At any given moment it could be us who finds ourselves in this situation, so it is imperative that we ensure a strong enough community of support exists for these people as well as ourselves. The strength of our movement is determined by how much we support our fallen comrades. As anarchist and former POW Ojore Lutalo says, "Any movement that does not support its political internees, is a sham movement." So please help us, help them, help you!

Why August 7th:
We chose the date of August 7th as the day to run down the walls to commemorate the life of revolutionary Jonathan Jackson who on August 7th was killed in an attempt to free the Soledad Brothers. On August 7, 1970, Jackson brought guns into the Marin County Court house during the trial of James McClain, William Christmas, and Ruchell Magee. Jonathan Jackson demanded the release of the Soledad Brothers as he and the three prisoners took the Judge and four others hostage. As Jackson and the others entered his van in an attempt to leave, the authorities open fired on the van, killing Joanathan Jackson, James Mclain, William Christmas and Judge Harold Haley. Ruchell Magee was injured but survived the onslaught and remains in prison to this day.

We encourage people to participate in helping us raise funds for the Warchest, which can be done in the following ways:

Be a runner:
We are asking people or groups who are running to collect as many sponsor for the run as possible. Remember the money received is going to help imprisoned comrades who need your help. The person who collects the most amount of funds will be given a prize for their involvement and dedication to helping our fallen comrades.

Sponsor a runner:
This can be done through a flat donation to the runner of your
choice. We ask from those who wish not to run to actively support those who are running in hopes of collecting as much for our comrades as possible. Contact us for a list of runners.

Sponsor Running Down the Walls:
Any amount helps. Contact the NYC Anarchist Black Cross if you wish to simply donate money to the cause.

Donate to:
-The Warchest:
Send funds directly to NYC ABCF (PO Box 110034, BK NY 11211) or to the
Philadelphia ABCF (PO Box 42129, Philadelphia, PA 19101) Make checks or
money orders out only to Tim Fasnacht.

-Jaan Laaman, UFF Political Prisoner Statement of Solidarity
October 19th 2002

"My Brothers, Thank you for running at this special event that means so much to many of us all over the world, both free and imprisoned. In a relative way, we are all political prisoners because it is the politics of this system of things that is exploiting, crushing, imprisoning, and destroying the masses all over the world and the earth itself. Then there are those who know this and take actions against those who seek to deny us our rightful place on earth as common human brethren. Those are the ones we run for and seek to help... whom sacrificed their family, freedom and lives, so that our lives may be better! The fact that you ran with us is a sign that when the red-hour comes, you will not be caught asleep. You are conscious and you too are willing to represent. The potential in you is great. Thank you for running for the cause!"

"As we ran we were thinking and talking about all the runners in Los Angeles and how we'd love to be out there running with them. We also spoke about the other political prisoners who were running with us in at least some other prisons."