
Showing posts with the label Titige'

Our Voices, Our Stories, Our Ocean

Our Voices, Our Stories, Our Ocean Pacific Literature Conference May 13-14 University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam Call for Papers and Presentations Description of conference and its purpose
Pacific voices and stories have been marginalized in educational spaces throughout the Pacific for too long. However, with the emergence of contemporary Pacific literature since the 1970s, stories and perspectives on Pacific lives have been included in school curricula throughout most of the region (with less prominence in Micronesia). Thus, Our Voices, Our Stories, Our Ocean Pacific Literature Conference aims to provide a venue for Pacific writers and voices to increase awareness about Pacific literature for Pacific educators, students, and writers on Guam and throughout the region. Moreover, because this conference will take place just two weeks before the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts (FESTPAC) on Guam, the conference’s steering committee encourages participation in

Submit to Storyboard 12

Local Artists Wanted: UOG searching for submissions for Storyboard 12 3:00 PM, Dec. 2, 2011 by Storm Roberts Pacific Daily News Perk up, Pacific island artists, it is time yet again to submit your pieces of art to the University of Guam's division of English and Applied Linguistics to be showcased in the 12th issue of Storyboard, a community literary journal. "Storyboard is a wonderful space to print local literature and art," says Victoria Leon Guerrero, editor of Storyboard. "It's a good place to publish things from discussing personal issues and (tying into this year's theme) describing community crossings encountered on Guam." Theme The theme of this edition of Storyboard is "Crossings" which, according to the contest informational poster, can be any of the following: crossing of water or borders; crossing and intermingling of cultures, stories and beliefs; Guam and its neighbors as historical, political, and social crossroads