
Showing posts with the label Simpsons

Fina'kuentos #4: Annai i tiempo ti tiempo-mu...

Today's fina'kuentos or as I like to call them empe' finayi is ideal for those who have kids. When I say kids, I mean more than one child of course since having at least two children creates an entirely different home dynamic than having just one. For example, my two kids, Sumahi and Akli'e' get along most of the time. Sumahi is the captain of the ship, while her younger brother Akli'e' is like the Chamorro Brown Steward. He isn't really the first mate because Sumahi doesn't trust him to take charge if she's taigue. Neither does he man any weapons or hold any real responsibility because Sumahi doesn't trust him to do much of anything. So instead he just sits in the galley of the ship, peeling potatoes and washing pots and pans. Because Akli'e' looks up to Sumahi so much this works out fine for the time being; as he develops more and more of his own personality, I suspect there will be some personality conflicts. One thing that t

Kiss Kiss Bangalore

Buente este un tungo' put i guinaiya-ku nu i Simpsons yan kontodu nu i bailan yan kachidon Bollywood. Pa'go hu fakcha'i este na kachido, ni' muna'unu i dos na guinaiya-ku siha. Ti hu tungo' manu na klasin yu'us chumaolao i diniseha-hu, lao hu gof agradesi i fina'tinas-mu! Gaige yu' pa'go giya New York, para bei fama'nu'i tinige'-hu gi i Association of Asian American Studies Conference. So not much to post until I'm back in San Diego.

Freedom Is For Those Who Think Differently

Another one of my rambling response papers from my social theory class last year. For those of you who haven't read all of them that I've posted on my blog, I was working furiously hard to talk as little about the readings as possible and mention a Hindi movie at least once per response. This is particularly evident from this response which was supposed to cover the Mirror Stage from Lacan, ISA from Althusser, a chapter from the Gundrisse from Marx and chapter from The Interpretation of Dreams from Freud, and ending up being a rambling regurgitation of Zizek's last five books. Michael Lujan Bevacqua Social Theory b Professor Da Silva 4/26/05 Lacan, Freud, Althusser, Marx I’d like to apologize first, I’m behind in all my stuff, so I haven’t gotten around to doing the Marx readings yet. So Marx shall only make an appearance here as the spectre which Derrida has advised me to not yet exorcise. Lacan loved to pick on animals, as evident even in this reading, constantly usin

Theory of D'oh

For those familiar with my work (I'm sure there are a few of you) as well as those who frequent my blog ramblings, you know how important movies are to my analysis and rants. Alot of times they lighten the mood, other times they can help illustrate a densely theoretical point. Most of the time its just because I want to be a punk. After giving a presentation at a conference where I used several films to make theoretical points, which to most people probably didn't make sense (such as Weekend at Bernie's and images of fallen soldiers), someone asked me what theory of film interpretation I'm using when I analyze films. I thought about that for a moment, because I'd never really thought about it before. I don't really know any film interpretation styles, having never taken any film classes, but always just made shit up about movies, or used stuff from other disciplines to analyze. One thing that passed through my mind was saying Zizekian style (lana, ti ya-hu est