
Showing posts with the label Linemlem

Finacebook Yu'

Guaha iyo-ku Facebook pa'go. Pues an malago' hao sina un "add" yu' guihi. Estaba guaha iyo-ku Facebook, lao meggai matulaika desde ayu na tiempo. Meggai nuebu na patte, ya siempre bei linemlem ni ayu. Para kuatro anos ilek-hu, "mungga yu' Facebook!" Buente un faisen maimaisa hao, "Hafa tumulaika i hinasso-mu?" Ti siguru yu'. I nobia-hu guaha iyo-na Facebook ya ya-na mampost litratu guihi. I meggaina na atungo'-hu siha esta manggaige siha gi Facebook. Guaha na biahi ti ma na'saonao yu' gi i diniskuti gi i dinana' put i tinaigue-ku guihi. Estaba na'bubu este yan lalalo yu' yan desganao. Lao pa'go na'triste ha' este. Puede ha' mohon na sina manachetton ham ta'lo yan i manatungo'-hu siha. 

Occupied Okinawa #6: Coming Home

Every time I would travel to Japan I would be asked several things as to where I came from. #1: People would ask me if I was Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan who the government and most people pretended to be non-existent for quite a while. #2: I was from Hokkaido. I have no idea what people from Hokkaido look like, but if I was to imagine myself as some sort of Japanese person, it would be from Hokkaido. #3: People regularly asked if I was from Okinawa. I had no idea for years as to why people thought I might be from Okinawa. Even when I was living in the states I would sometimes meet Okinwans who thought I might be Okinawa. I would never begrudge people their mistakes. Being Okinawa sounds pretty cool, and besides when I travel places, it doesn't matter where, I constantly think that anyone around me could be Chamorro. I've asked some people in Okinawa so far, why people might mistake me as one of them? They have laughed and said I do look Okinawa, and the only