
Showing posts with the label Deviant

Fanslation Chamoru #5: Korason Faha

I thought I'd do something a little different for my fanslation this time. Usually I provide some background on the manga chapter that I've translated into Chamorro and then offer to give the fanslated scans to anyone interested. This time, ( sa' ti gailugat yu') I've decided to paste here for those interested the translation I did. This time around I translated Naruto chapter 338, which is the issue where Shikamaru gets revenge for the killing of his master Asuma. ***************************** #338 – Iyo-ku Korason Faha Page 1: Kakashi: Maolek na ti atrasao hamyo. Ino: Sakura…Sai…yan Si Naruto lokkue’! Choji: Oi! Ta fanagulumi! Yamamoto: TÃ¥ya’ nai hu li’e’ hao taiguenao Kakahi, gof direchas kuetdas. Kakashi: Gof fotte este na kontrariu. Page 2: Kazuku: MÃ¥tto un otro na udu, yan esta machalapon gui’. Naruto: MÃ¥ngge Si ShikamÃ¥ru? Page 3: Choji: Mumumumu gui’ yan un otro na enimigu. Ti chago’ i dos. Kakashi: Sigi’ guatu dos yan ayuda gui’. Un suruhÃ¥nu ya