
Showing posts with the label Adilok

Fanohge: March for CHamoru Self-Determination


Litråton Na'lå'la' Vol. 3 Siha


Na'lå'la' Songs of Freedom Vol. 3

Share Your Vision of GuÃ¥han’s Future at Independent GuÃ¥han’s “Na’lÃ¥’la’: Songs of Freedom Vol. 3” Concert on July 4 th .  For Immediate Release, June 21, 2019 –  Each July 4 th  the island commemorates the Independence Day of the United States, despite the fact that GuÃ¥han remains its colony. For the past two years Independent GuÃ¥han (IG) has organized an annual concert on the Fourth of July to reflect on the colonial history of GuÃ¥han and the need for a decolonized future. IG is proud to announce its third concert, “Na’lÃ¥’la’: Songs of Freedom Vol. 3” set to take place Thursday, July 4 th  from 4-7 pm in the front field at Adelup. This event is free and open to the public.  Independent GuÃ¥han is an organization that is committed to educating the island community about the importance of GuÃ¥han’s decolonization and the possibilities should it become an independent country. The organization has spent the past three years organizing General Assemblies, village meetings, teach-i

Na'lå'la': Songs of Freedom Vol. 2

Imagine a Decolonized Future for GuÃ¥han at Independent GuÃ¥han’s “Na’lÃ¥’la’: Songs of Freedom Vol. 2” Concert on July 4 th . For Immediate Release, June 20, 2018 – Each July 4 th the island commemorates the independence day of the United States, despite the fact that GuÃ¥han remains its colony. On that day last year Independent GuÃ¥han organized the concert “Na’lÃ¥’la’: Songs of Freedom,” which was attended by more than 600 people. Independent GuÃ¥han is proud to announce Volume 2 in their concert series, to take place on July 4 th from 3-6 pm in the front field at Adelup. This event is free and open to the public. Independent GuÃ¥han is an organization that is committed to educating the island community about the importance of GuÃ¥han’s decolonization and the possibilities should it become an independent country. The organization has spent the past two years organizing General Assemblies, village meetings, teach-ins, petition drives, coffee shop conversations and podcasts. The Na’

Respect the Chamoru People Rally Recap

On April 7, 2017, more than 800 people gathered in the field in front of the Ricardo J. Bordallo Government Complex in Adelup, GuÃ¥han for the “Respect the Chamoru People Rally.” The event, organized by a grassroots collective of volunteers, aimed at celebrating the culture of the island’s indigenous people, the Chamorros, and at helping remind the Guam community about the need to maintain a respectful relationship to them in their island homeland. The event was non-partisan, backing no political candidates or agendas. Over the course of the event’s 2 ½ hours, 15 speakers shared stories of the struggles of Chamorros in the past and the need to protect their island and heritage for future generations. Cultural groups offered blessings. Poets and musicians delivered inspiration through powerful words and melodies. Community organizations manned tables providing information on the military buildup, decolonization, and cultural preservation. The HÃ¥ya Foundation, which seeks to preserve

Na'lå'la' Concert

Independent GuÃ¥han announces July 4 th “Na’lÃ¥’la’: Songs of Freedom Concert” at Adelup For Immediate Release, June 20, 2017 – After the success of the Respect the Chamoru People Rally in April, where more than 600 people gathered to show their support for the rights of the Chamorro people, Independent GuÃ¥han is organizing the first of its “Na’lÃ¥’la’: Songs of Freedom Concert” series. This concert will take place on July 4 th , 2017 from 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. at Adelup Field, and is free and open to the public. Independent GuÃ¥han is an organization that is committed to educating the island community about the importance of Guam’s decolonization and the possibilities should it become an independent country. The organization has spent the past year organizing General Assemblies, teach-ins, petition drives, coffee shop conversations, and podcasts. This concert represents another phase in community outreach, using creative performances to inspire the island commun

Respect the Chamoru People Rally

Respect the Chamoru People Rally April 7 For Immediate Release, March 29, 2017 —  A series of disrespectful acts against the Chamoru people seemed to eclipse what is normally one of the most festive times of the year — Mes Chamoru , a month dedicated to celebrating the Chamoru culture.   Almost daily this month, Guam’s news outlets have reported on military and other encroachment into sacred lands and natural habitats from northern to southern Guam; a court decision against the Chamoru right to self-determination; and Federal threats to the Chamor u Land Trust . For many Chamorus, these actions have sparked the need to remind the community that Guam is i Tano ’ i Man Chamoru, the homeland of the Chamoru people.  The language, culture and heritage of the Native people of Guam and the Marianas are what make our archipelago unique in the world.  There is no other place on earth for Chamorus to call their homeland. Above all, the Chamoru people, like all

Cruz Kontra Calvo Put Salape'

Some recent articles about budgets and bills and the yinaoyao between the Legislature, most notably Senator BJ Cruz and Governor Eddie Calvo and his team at Adelup. Ti menhalom yu' put este na asunto siha, pues tÃ¥ya' otro sinangÃ¥n-hu. Taitai este siha, ya hagu un diside hÃ¥yi gaitinina yan hÃ¥yi mambebende dinagi. ******************** September 10, 2016 The Honorable Edward J.B. Calvo Governor of Guam Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex HagÃ¥tña, Guam 96910 Re: Response to Lapse Message on Substitute Bill No. 250-33 (COR) Dear Governor Calvo: HÃ¥fa adai! On September 1, 2016, I delivered a letter to you relative to the concerns you identified regarding Substitute Bill No. 250-33 (SB250), now the Annual Appropriations Act of FY 2017. I had hoped my clarifications would have prompted you to direct your fiscal team to reconsider its initial findings on SB250. Unfortunately, based on your lapse message to Speaker Judith T. Won Pat, you have disregarded the fact

Maga'låhi to Maga'låhi

Last year, Our Islands are Sacred and other local activist groups penned a joint letter to Governor of Guam Eddie Calvo, challenging his support for the US military buildup to Guam. In response to the letter, which made a significant splash on social media, the Governor met with some of the authors of the letter to discuss their concerns. Central to rhetoric invoked in the letter focused on how the Governor had made several statements to the media that he was excited about the military buildup and what it might mean to Guam economically. As the military buildup, even in its reduced form, will most likely negatively Guam's environment, economy, security and cultural properties, the writers of the letter were incredulous that Governor Calvo would speak of the buildup with such excitement when so many negative aspects were involved. One of the suggestions that they made to Governor Calvo was that he invite the Governor of Okinawa to visit Guam with his staff and have a conversatio